Chapter 36

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 36:


I lay in Demi's arms, my head sitting on her shoulder as her sweet voice floods my ears as she sings. Her beautiful voice making me smile.

We are flying back into the beautiful warmth of summer as June is coming to an end quickly. Piece by Piece had an amazing time and fan base that came from performing concerts in London.

I smile as I watch Dallas and Maddie play with Lexa, Xander and Bailey. They are so good with them, Demi has taken tons of photos and videos with them. This has been not only for the money but to actually have a nice time away from Los Angeles.

Jacinta and Jessikah have been so supportive, they were there after every performance. Jessikah has actually been bonding with Jacinta to my own surprise. Those two have never gotten along until now, it's kinda crazy!

"Ry, can I spend the summer with you?" Jessikah asks with her puppy dog eyes, begging and pleading with me.

"We have to talk to dad about it Jess," I say as I walk over kissing her forehead.

We land in New York because Demi has a concert here, she also doing the pride march here.

When we get back to Los Angeles, she is going to L.A Pride and using it to film her official 'Really Don't Care' video clip with Cher Lloyd. The one she did whilst on tour in Brazil with her fans didn't have Cher Lloyd to the horror of both Demi and Cher's fans.

"Sissy! Can you pwease carry me?" Jessikah whines as she walks towards me with her eyes shut, her only guidance is Jacinta.

I pick her up, she wraps her arms around my neck, burying her face into my neck and wrapping her legs around my waist. I can soft snores come from her little body, making me smile.

Demi pulls her phone out, her camera flashes as she takes a photo. Jessikah buries her face deeper into my neck, her soft snore flooding my ears as I hold her legs stopping her from falling from my body.

Demi picks Bailey up, shielding her face from view with a blanket as we reach the fans filling the airport with their cameras. They are all yelling for Demi but she won't stop for them if she wasn't risking Bailey's safety but she knows she is.

"I love you all my Lovatics!" Demi yells with a huge smile on her lips and receiving loud screams as well as cheers from the hundreds of fans being held back but metal gates with security standing in front of them.

Max walks up to Demi with two guys behind him. One guy was about 6 foot 2 with red brown hair, emerald green eyes and hell big muscles. The other guy is 5 foot 10 with jet black hair, dark brown eyes and a pretty fit body.

They helps outside where flashes blind me, only the strong arms pushing me forward keep me moving. They guide me through the crowd as well as the blinding flashes until I fall on my ass into the back of a comfortable car. Just minutes later Demi falls in beside me, a blanket still shielding my son from the worlds view.

"That was fucking hell!" Demi says before I can shove my hand over her mouth.

She looks at me, knitting her brow in confusion.

"Don't swear when Bailey is around. I don't want him to start swearing or I will wash your mouth out with soap I promise you that Demetria Devonne Lovato!" I say sternly before removing my hand from over her lips as Max laughs at Demi.

She just pout before saying through gritted teeth,"sorry Ryder."

I smile knowing that I've won, knowing that this marriage is going to work out so fucking well! I hold my little sister, letting her limp body full of sleep rest into me with her breathing very deep but even as her soft snore become louder as she drifts into a deeper sleep.

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