Chapter 38

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 38:


I walk downstairs to find the smell of pancakes flowing through the house, there is only one person who will get up and actually make food at this hour of 8am. Ryder is always the one who cooks us all breakfast, I walk in wrap my arms around her tiny waist as I kiss her bare shoulder.

"Good morning my beautiful wifey!" I say with the biggest smile as she turns the stove off.

She turns around in my arms, connecting our lips sending the sparks that never fail to run through my body when we touch. She spins back around, adding the two pancakes in the frying pan onto the plate with the rest of them.

"Can you go get Ash, Jess, Maddie and Bailey up please?" She asks me with her cute puppy dog eyes looking into mine.

I walk out the kitchen, heading up the stairs to get Bailey up first because he is the easiest to wake plus he is the perfect weapon to get the other three up. That is the way they have been getting woken up since Maddie came to stay for the summer.

I carefully shake his little body awake from the peaceful sleep he is in. He yawns with his little hands rub the sleep from his sky blue eyes. His little arms reach up from me to pick up his little body from his bed. I pick him up, swinging him onto my hip.

I walk down the hallway to the room Jessikah is sharing with my little sister Maddie. They are only 7 months apart in age so it was a no brainer to put them two in a room together. Ryder and I really want them to get along because they both me so much to us.

I open the door as the two of them sleep in the bed cuddled up together. I carefully put Bailey down on his feet on the bed, watching him jump on them like they are his own personal trampoline.

"Rise and shine!" I cheer, a little giggle escapes from Bailey's little lips.

"It's too early Dem!" Maddie whined, her eyes trying to flitter open but sleep trying to drag her back under.

Jessikah just groans, she rolls out of bed, land on her feet. She heads out the door probably heading straight for the bathroom down the hall.

Maddie gets to her feet but not without falling on her ass first. She walking out the room to head to the bathroom downstairs probably.

I pick Bailey up swinging him back onto my hip as I walk next door to Astrid's bedroom. I knock on the door but receive no answer. I open the door, I carefully lower Bailey down onto the bed as he jumps on Astrid with a huge smile on his lips.

"Wakey wakey sunshine!" I coo as I giggle at the groaning and moaning coming from her lips.

Bailey jumps off her onto the floor once she throws the covers off her body. He pale white body only covered by an over sized band tee and the underwear she is wearing.

I take his little hand, walking him downstairs to the kitchen. I walk in with Bailey by my side, I lift him up into his seat with ease as Astrid walks in with Maddie not far behind her but Jessikah no where in sight.

"Ash, I have to go down to finish the adoption part they need. Your case worker needs to talk to you," Ryder says to Astrid as grabs two pancakes, soaking them in a puddle of maple syrup.

She just nods as she cuts a piece of her pancake off, shoving it into her mouth with ease.

"Do we have anything on with the guys?" She asks curiously, her eyes on Ryder's.

"Yeah. We got a gig tonight so we are going to head to Lexi's at 7pm tonight for our gig at 8pm," she says with a smile, she takes a bite of her own pancake that are soaking in lemon juice.

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