Chapter 21

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 21:


I walk through the airport, holding Bailey in my arms as I can't stop shaking. Demi has our carry on, she is by my side as we walk through the airport but she hasn't said a word to me. She only agreed to drive me here after refusing originally, but Dallas agreed to take me so she changed her mine. So now Demi is flying to Brisbane, Australia with me.

Walking through onto the plan, we walk through to first class. Demi sits against the window, she just gazes out of it. Refusing to look at me, but it honestly doesn't surprise me one bit.

I never told her I have a daughter.. Only four people knew. My mum, my brother Darcy, the guys who got me pregnant and myself.

I'm broken out of my thoughts by being told to put my seat belt on. I quickly do so, feeling the plane rise as we lift off from the ground.

I get up carefully putting Bailey on Demi's lap. Walking down the isle until I find the bathroom, opening the door I walk in locking the door behind myself. Getting to my knees, my head over the toilet bowl. I shove my fingers down my throat, vomit running out my mouth. Bile being all that is in my stomach, I don't stop until blood is all that comes out.

Sitting against the toilet door I let my tears fall from my eyes. Holding my head in my hand, just letting the pain fill my whole body sending me..



I sit looking out the window of the airplane as we lift off the ground. My phone turned off, only Dallas knowing I left and I'm on an airplane to Australia.

I haven't talked to Ryder since she convinced me to drive her to the airport. I refuse to let her fly back by herself. I don't know what the fuck is going on but she looks broken and I feel hurt. She never told me!

I'm brought out of my thoughts as Bailey reaches up touching my face with his little hands, a smile on his little lips. I smile at him, his beautiful blue eyes reminding me of Ryder.

Looking to my side, she isn't there. My heart drops knowing she isn't there. Something tells me that something is wrong, something's with Ryder I just know it.

Getting up from my seat, I swing Bailey onto my hip. Walking down the isle until I bump into someone as they walk out the toilet.


Her eyes are blood shot, her face is pale and her cheeks blotchy from the stains of her tears. Her frail body shakes as her eyes are cold with nothing coming from them. She looks absolutely broken as she stares as if I'm not even there.

"Ryder..?" I ask her as I look at her hope filling my eyes.

Her gaze not changing, she stares off in the distance as she looks like someone is torturing her from the inside out. I can't even bring her back to me, all I want is for her to be okay.

"Ry..?" I ask pleading with her as I look into her eyes.

I stand up on my tippy toes, I press my lips against Ryder's not caring who sees. I just need my girl to be okay.. I feel a tear fall against my cheek, but it isn't mine. Pulling away I see the tears trickling down her cheeks as she looks at me with pain and hopelessness.

"It's okay..," I say taking her hand, entwining out finger and leading her back to our seats.

I sit her down in her seat with her head against my arm. Bailey, he sits on my lap cuddling into my chest as he plays on my iPad that has heaps of kids games that my niece loves to play too. He may only be 11 months old but he is very smart.

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