Chapter 42

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 42:


I walk up to the smell of bacon wafting through the house, the sound of laughter being heard easily through this warm homie house. I rub the sleep from my eyes, I sit up leaning my back against the bed frame as I stretch all my muscles.

I lift the covers off my warm body, I swing my legs over the side of the bed and sit with my feet dangling just above the soft carpet. I rub my eyes once again, the sleep finally all gone.

I let my feet pad along the carpet, I pull on a hoodie and a pair of sweats. I walk down the long hallway, descending down the stair and walk towards the smell of bacon and the sound of laughter.

I walk in to see Ryder cooking with Demi's arms wrapped around her waist, her head leaning on her back listening to her heart. Bailey sits in the lounge room with both Lexa and Xander, the sound of their laughter clear as they watch 'Chuggington'. Food lays on the table as well as a jug of orange juice as well as having the table set around the kitchen island.

"Morning guys," I hesitantly say, making them turn around.

Demi let's go of Ryder's waist, walking over to me and pulling me into a hug. She kisses my forehead and smiles, draping her arm over my shoulder proudly.

"Morning Ash," Ryder says smiling.

"Morning sweetie," Demi says, she kisses my cheek.

She walks pass me into the lounge room, the sound of shuffling feet and the tv being turned off made me realise just how much of a family we are. I never thought I would ever be in a family like this, two famous females as my parents with a little sister who is 5 years old and a little brother who is only 1 years old.

I pick Bailey up, sitting him in his high chair and helping Lexa up into her chair. I sit next to her, brushing a stray piece of hair from her face. I reach out grabbing a plate with bacon and toast, I grab a couple pieces of toast placing them on a plate in front of Lexa.

Ryder butters them before lathering peanut butter on one and Nutella on the other. I watch the way they interact with the kids, my family..

I walk along the footpath, my hands becoming sweaty as the butterflies flitter around my stomach. My thoughts run wild as I try not to let my whole body shake.

My eyes finally fall on her, purely on her beautiful face. Her platinum blonde hair falling down with her chocolate brown eyes framed by black eyeliner drawing them to my attention.

I look down at her outfit. She has her black skinny jeans pulled up kept in place by her belt. Her Bring Me The Horizon band tee tied tight to her body revealing her tone stomach perfectly as her Doc Martins finishing off her look.

I walk up to her, wrapping my arms around her as we hug. She smiles up at me, her eyes look into mine.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask, watching her nod.

I take Bea's hand entwining our fingers and leading her towards the awaiting cab. I open the door, watching Bea slide in and I jump in next to her slamming the door shut.

Just minutes later the cab stops in front of the stadium, the long crowd lines the outside just waiting to get in to see the band.

I hand the cash to the cab driver, I open the door pulling Bea out behind me.

"Why are we here Ash?" Bea asks curiously.

"I wanted to bring you to somewhere I feel at home..," I say awkwardly.

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