Chapter 19

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 19:


I sit back stage with Bailey in my arms as Demi is on stage singing her heart out. Demi came out last night about being bisexual, her family were so supportive it made me wish I had that from my family.

My dad would have kicked me out if I was living with him but the reality was that I lived with my mum. He never really wanted me or my twin brother, but he couldn't come off to the media as a bad dad. He is definitely not a good one by far but he has kept all of his kids with clothes on our backs, food in our stomachs and money in our hands.

Back in Brisbane, growing up I always wished to have a dad who would teach us to play Aussie Rules Football, to be protective over boys or girls in my case that would break my heart. My step dad, he has been around for 5 years now and he is the closest I have to an actual father.

I smile as I watch my beautiful girl out on stage as the crowd cheers loudly. A smile that shines all the way through her eyes makes me smile too. This is definitely where she belongs.

Walking off stage, she walks straight up to Bailey and I. She hugs us even thought she is so fucking sweaty, she really needs a shower.

"You were amazing!" I say smiling as I learn in kissing her cheek causing a blush to form on her cheeks.

She kisses my nose, causing me to giggle. She kisses Bailey's forehead smiling as she looks into my eyes.

"Thank you beautiful girl! I should get in the shower I'm soooooooo sweaty!" She says laughing at herself, as she wipes sweat off her forehead.

I sit in Demi's dressing room when Dallas walks in with a huge smile on her face as her eyes land on Bailey.

"Can I hold him?" She asks with a small pout just like Demi does when she wants something.

"Yeah sure!" I say smiling, I get to my feet handing Bailey to an excited looking Dallas.

She hands me her phone with a smile on her face.

"Can you take a photo of us?" She ask with puppy dog eyes.

I nod.

Taking the photo I hand the phone back to her with a small smile. She definitely looked cute with him but didn't have the same perfect look Demi had with him, like they belonged together.

I smile as watch her make my beautiful little boy smile. She is definitely going to one day be a very good mother!

Demi walks into the room with leggings, a over sized band tee, flip flops, light make up and her hair up in a bun. She looks absolutely beautiful!

"Now can I have a proper hug?" Demi asks with a cute pouting face I just can't help but love to pieces.

I smile nodding as I walk over to her wrapping my arms around her neck, as she wraps her arms around my waist pulling me as close as humanly possible. She smiles as she stands on her tippy toes pressing her lips against my neck smiling devilish.

"Um..," Dallas says looking at us with wide eyes.

"Dallas?" Demi asks with her eye brow raised.

"You two..?" She asks with wide eyes threatening to bug out of her head.

I walk over taking Bailey from her arms, swinging him onto my hip. Leaving the room I head outside to the tour bus to go Skype Sammi on my lap top.

Walking inside I find two people I haven't seen in my life standing in there smiling as they watch tv. I walk through to the bunk of mine. Grabbing my laptop I open it placing it on the bed facing me with Bailey sitting on my lap playing with my fingers.

Neon Lights (Demi Lovato Fanfic) (girlxgirl) (COMPLETED) {1}Where stories live. Discover now