Chapter 31

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 31:


It's been about a week since Astrid was hospitalised when Demi found her unconscious on her bedroom floor.

Demi refuses to leave Astrid, she is so connected to her it. It scares me, it's like something had snapped in her that isn't good. She is refusing to see any of her family or even Bailey.

"Mummy..?" I hear his sweet little voice ask me as his hands hold my face.

"Yes baby boy," I say smiling down at my baby boy in my arms.

"DemDem..," he whines like he has for the last week.

I give up, I can't stand watching my little boy missing Demi so much. I also have Lexa for the weekend and I won't stuff this up because I want her to be apart of my life.

I walk along the long hallway to Astrid's hospital room, the noise I hear is the one thing I've been missing. Demi's laugh. I walk in to see Astrid sitting up with a smile on her lips.

Her once pale skin now pink. Her eyes showing love and happiness. She looks at me, her smile fading as her eyes meet mine. Tears run down her, her arms reach out for me.

Dropping Bailey on the end of the bed and letting go of my little girls hand. I run up to her, hugging her tight against her never wanting to let her go ever again!

"I thought you wouldn't come see me..," she says as her tears soak my t-shirt.

"I just had to look after the kids. I'm here now," I smile kissing her forehead.

I smile as I look at Demi with Lexa on her lap along with Bailey. The three of them watching a movie on Lexa's iPad that Demi had gotten her.

"I need to talk to Demi. How about you watch a movie on the iPad with Alexa and Bailey?" I ask her knowing this has to be said.

"Yeah," she says with a small smile.

I get Lexa and Bailey comfortable on each side of Astrid. They are watching Toy Story 3 thanks to Demi for down loading all the movies for Lexa.

Demi walks out the room, hand taking mine as she looks deep into my eyes.

"We need to her her help," I say what we are both honestly thinking.

"She needs to go into treatment Ryder.."

We sit on this private jet. Demi, Bailey and I are taking Astrid to the same treatment centre Demi was in, she insisted on it.

"Ash..," I ask her as she lays in her seat staring off into the distance like we aren't even here.

"Mhm," she says not bothering to give me a real answer.

"Can we please cuddle?" I ask her pleading with her just to give me some foster mummy and daughter time.

She stands up, laying on top of me with her head on my heart. I hold the beautiful broken little girl as we sit in the silence.

I let sleep that has been trying to pull me under for the last hour or so. I shut my eyes letting the perfect moment send me into the world of dream.

I wake to the sound of my little boys laughter as well as the contagious laugh of my beautiful girlfriend. I smile, taking a keek video of Demi tickling him. I quickly post it.

'@Ryder_Darcy: two cuties laughing their laughs are contagious @ddlovato #mybabyboy #planeflights'

I smile as I click onto my twitter, seeing I have a mention from none other then Demi.

Neon Lights (Demi Lovato Fanfic) (girlxgirl) (COMPLETED) {1}Where stories live. Discover now