Chapter 26

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 26:


I'm flying back to be on tour today. Ryder has been so focused on Astrid, she is going in today to sign papers to be Astrid's guardian as her foster parent.

I'm proud she is taking her on but it means I have to share her with someone else. I mean sharing her with Bailey is easy because it is like we have made our own little family. I just don't know where Astrid will fit in this all.

I walk in wrapping my arms around her waist, kissing her neck. Since she has shown me her tattoos she doesn't wear clothes to purposely cover them. She has a lot of scars that cover her arms but there is the one on one of her wrists with quite deep scars as well. It looks like it had to be stitched. That's when I realised I don't know much about my girlfriend really.

"Good morning beautiful!" I coo at her smiling.

She turns around in my arms pressing her lips against mine.

"Good morning baby!" She coos back at me with a cute little smile.

She jumps up wrapping her legs around my waist, her arms around my neck. I smile as her boobs are in my face. Perfect view!

"Movies?" She asks me with puppy dog eyes.

I give in.

"Okay, only until I have to get ready to fly back out to go back on tour," I say smiling as I kiss her chin.

I carefully carry her to the lounge room, I chuck her on the couch. I sit down, laying my head in her lap. She starts to play with my hair, helping me relax.

I smile up at her as she leans down pressing her lips to mine. I feel sparks jolt through my whole body, leaving me want more. Leaving me needing more. She pulls away smirking down at me as she turns the tv on putting it onto the ID channel. I smile up at her, she knows me too well.

I hear little footsteps approach the couch. I look down to see Bailey standing there with his little arms stretched out at me.

"DemDem!" He whines pouting as he gives me puppy dog eyes.

I pick him up laying him on my stomach, he snuggles into my chest. I see a flash, I look up finding Ryder smirking as she types on her phone. As she locks her phone, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out, opening up twitter I quickly look at my mention from Ryder.

'@Ryder_Darcy: @ddlovato she looks perfect with my little man #proudmummy #cuties #perfectlife'

I smile saving the cute photo of me and Bailey. I lean up kissing Ryder's cheek before turning my attention back to the tv.

Just minutes later I hear footsteps walk into the lounge room. Looking to where they are coming from I find a very tired looking Astrid. She looks at us sending me a little smile. She sits on the couch across from us, I smile back at her.

"Morning," I smile at her knowing that I haven't really gotten to know her but she is going to be apart of Ryder's life so I have to accept it.

"Morning guys..," she says yawning, there is black circles under her eyes under her eyes so I know she hasn't been sleeping well.

"Didn't get much sleep?" I ask making her look at me as if to ask how I knew.

"Yeah just had a couple nightmares lately..," she says yawning once again.

"You have circles under your eyes Hun," I say smiling weakly, she nods as if saying thank you for letting her know that she needs to cover that up if she doesn't want people to worry about her.

Neon Lights (Demi Lovato Fanfic) (girlxgirl) (COMPLETED) {1}Where stories live. Discover now