Chapter 23

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 23:


I walk into Jaimee-Alexa's room, but we call her Lexa for short. I'm heading back to Los Angeles tomorrow morning with Demi but the rest of the day we are spending with my mum and my three siblings I've barely seen since being here.

Demi and I walk through the doors into the hospital room to see Lexa's face brighten as she looks at Demi. Demi is her idol which is beyond cute, she has all my old episodes of sonny with a chance I gave her adoptive parents when I gave her up for adoption.

"Ryder, I wanted to let you know that Lexa and I will be moving to Los Angeles. I want her to be able to have you in her life. I know that you had no choice but to give her away but I know you love my little girl. She deserves to get to know her birth mum. I was thinking if you want visitation to her we could talk about it once we move there. Thank you for coming here I know she really needs you know!" Mr James says with a sad smile as he pulls me into a smile.

We turn around to see a very happy looking Lexa with a brand new iPad mini in her hands in a cute purple case because that is her favourite colour. She was so happy as she hugs Demi who is laying on the bed next to my daughter with a huge smile.

"What have you got there?" I ask her playfully as I raise my eye brow.

"iPad mini!" She squeals loudly as I giggle at how fucking cute she is.

I look to Demi who is smirk with a guilty look upon her face. She just couldn't help herself, she is just so good with children especially my two.

"I got it for her and added Sonny with a chance, wizards of Waverley Place, Hannah Montana, bratz, Barbie movies and even all the Winnie the Pooh movies," I smile giggling, both my kids love Winnie the Pooh as well as me but I find it so cute and loving for her to take that much interest in Lexa.

"Thank you!" I say smiling as I kiss her cheek before taking the other side of her bed, kissing her temple.

She is the most beautiful little 4 year old I have ever seen. She has beautiful long brown hair but her eyes are what catches your attention every time!

I hold Braxton and Skylnn against my hip, whilst Demi holds Skye's hand and Bailey on her hips with a huge smile.

We are walking down to the park with my little sisters, little brother and my son. They were so excited that I just couldn't say no to them. My step dad Jace is taking my step brother and sister out to the moves. Mum is going to spend sometime with Lexa since it sounds like Adam who is Lexa's adoptive dad is moving her to Los Angeles as soon as she is released from hospital. My mum definitely isn't very fucking happy about it at all.

We finally make it to the park, I put Skylnn down into the ground, the three of my siblings ran off leaving Demi, Bailey and I sitting on the park bench. Demi is wearing black leggings, black hoodie and black sunglasses so she won't be recognised.

I smile as I look down at what I'm wearing, I'm wearing my worn out faded black skinny jeans, my favourite black batman top with my worn out black converses that are the ones I use to wear everyday to school no matter what!

I take my phone out taking photos of Demi holding Bailey and my siblings who I adore to pieces. They all love Demi to bits that they always want her to play with them, and Demi being the big kid she is she nearly always does.

"Come sit down baby!" Demi whines as she pouts giving me puppy dog eyes.

I giggle sitting down next to her, smiling as I feel her lay her head on my shoulder. This moment is perfect!

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