Chapter 45

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 45:


I smile as I wake up to see my beautiful girl in my arms sleeping peacefully. Her hair laying everywhere on the pillow her head lays uncomfortably upon.

I slowly unwrap my arms from her sleeping body, I move carefully not to wake Demi from her slumber. My feet pad against the pure white carpet filling our huge bedroom, even bigger then the one I use to call mine at my dad's house throughout my childhood.

I walk down the hallway to see Bailey sitting on his bedroom floor playing with his toys. Xander still lays in the bed across from Bailey's own 'big boy' bed he requested soon after Xander's second birthday.

"Morning beautiful boy," I smile down at him, watching his eyes grow wide with a smile stretching across his lips.

I pick him up as his little arms are stretched out at me. I hold him on my front, his legs gripping each side of my waist as my hands support his butt.

"Mworning Mummy!" Bailey speaks cutely, his lips crashing onto mine giving me a cute little kiss like most mornings.

I kiss his forehead, I walk out the room with my beautiful son in hand. I walk down the hall knocking on the door of the modest girl in the house better known as Astrid Lovato.

I hear groans, moans and banging around coming from within the room I barely get to see anymore. I smile walking down the hallway to the stairs, swiftly letting my feet gaze over the carpet lining it as I slide Bailey onto my right hip as my left hand holds the wooden rail in support.

I walk into the lounge room, sitting Bailey on the floor and turning the tv on. I flick through the channel, clicking on Netflix I walk out the room. I walk through the doorway into the kitchen as the sound of feet being dragged down the creaking stairs can be heard.

I grab the pop tarts from the cupboard shoving them within the toaster. I grab the bottle of milk and juice from the fridge laying them both on the kitchen island.

I spin around just in time to see Astrid walk in with her hair pulled back in a messy pony tail. She wears baggy grey sweat pants and a black singlet. She slumps into a chair, her eyes still full of so much sleep that she looks beyond adorable.

"Good morning Ash," I say cheerfully, my body full of so much happiness.

"How can you be so cheerful at this fucking hour of the morning?" Astrid asks, groaning straight after.

"Language!" I sternly snap at her, I sigh and continue with my smile still on my lips,"Anyway, it is an beautiful day and we have a flight to Texas tonight after a dinner with some of Demi's friends."

She groans, I just smile and putting the cooked pop tarts on the plate in front of the clearly tired girl.

The giggles in my ears makes me turn around into the arm of my beautiful wifey, her hair up in a messy bun. Her face clear of the make up that hides her true beauty, the beauty I love. She may be short but there is NOTHING I would ever change about her because that is what makes her the girl I fell madly in love with.

"Good morning my beautiful wifey," I says sweetly, pressing my lips against hers as Xander runs off into the lounge room.

Only just a week ago Sammi brought baby Kingston James Hudson Kelly home from the hospital in the cute tiger fluffy onesie with hood. He looked absolutely adorable! Xander has been staying here just giving both Sammi and Kingston to settle in at home before Xander comes home tonight.

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