Chapter 37

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 37:


I hold Ryder's hand with our fingers entwined, her arms shake as her breathing becomes short as she is ready to have an anxiety attack. She has been like this since we got on the plane to Chicago but it just getting worse and worse the closer we get to Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Centre near Chicago.

We are driving up the car drive to Timberline Knolls with Max driving. Bailey is back in Los Angeles with Sammi, Jessikah and Xander. Ryder moved in with me but still has her rooms in the house for them but back at my house we painted Bailey's room as well as Astrid's but Ryder took the brave step of setting up Astrid's room including putting up her posters covering the walls. She was so proud of her efforts but I know that she really just wants to have Astrid back home.

"It's okay to be nervous baby. I bet you Ash is just as nervous to being seeing us," I say, squeezing her hand for reassurance and kissing her temple.

The car comes to a halt, flashes come from the gates protecting the patients from the outside world looking in trying to get photos of the celebrities. It isn't right but they don't really care! Ryder and I already decided we are keeping Astrid from the publics view as we take her home, where she belongs with us.

The car pulls to a stop, the door swings open before our own door flings open revealing Max standing there reaching for my hand to pull me from the car. I get to my feet, pulling Ryder from the car to her feet as we stand in front of the front doors of Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Centre.

"Let's go bring our little girl home," I say with a small smile, kissing her cheek and squeezing her hand.

We walk through the front door, heading up to the reception desk. The same brunette woman with hazel eyes sits behind the desk with the phone connected to her ear just like I remember from my time here three years ago now.

"We are here to meet with doctor concerning Astrid Young," I say grabbing her attention as she looks up with her fake smile still plaster upon her fake lips.

"It's nice to see you again Demetria. I will let the doctor know you are here Miss Kelly," she says to Ryder who flinches at the use of her last name, well her old last name because now she is Ryder Lovato.

We take a seat in the waiting room, Ryder is on the verge of having an anxiety attack right here and now. We haven't seen Astrid in 2 months, I know just how hard it is for her to be here just hoping this rehab stint will help the little girl she loves just as much as Bailey and Lexa.

A woman with brunette hair, brown eyes darker then mine walks out. She's wearing nice black women's professional pants, low cut black lacy top with a long white coat over the top with a name tag on the left of the coat.

"Concerning Astrid Young," she says through the waiting room, her brown eyes searching the waiting room for any movement.

I get to my feet pulling Ryder to hers, I guide us swiftly to where the doctor stands with a smile on her lips but not the fake one the woman at the desk wears.

She leads us through a hallway until we reach a nice little office. She signals for us to talk in to take the two seats on the other side of her desk to her comfortable spiny chair. She closes the door behind us, taking her seat with a smile as she opens a file with Astrid's name on its cover.

"I'm Doctor Rybin. I've been treating Astrid since she was admitted into the treatment centre," she says with a smile.

"I'm Ryder Lovato. I'm Astrid's foster mum and this is my wife Demi Lovato," Ryder says with no emotion filling her voice but her motherly side taking over to my surprise.

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