Chapter 46

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 46:


My eyes flitter open as the sunshine cascades into the room, the curtains pulled right back lighting the room up but hurting my eyes badly. I push the blankets off my body, the heat of summer already making my tan body sweat. I throw my legs over the side of the queen sized bed, letting my bare feet feel the carpet between my toes. 

Standing to my feet, I walk out the bedroom door and down the hallway to the stairs. I descend the stairs, letting the smell of bacon and eggs fill my nostrils. My stomach grumbles loudly, making everyone in the kitchen laugh as I stand in the doorway looking over the scene in front of me. 

"Morning sweetie,'' Mom says, she smiles at me whilst making even more food then what lines the tables surface.

I walk over to my mom, kissing her head while wrapping my arms around her. She kisses my cheek hugging me to her body like she always did when I was younger. She was the only real parent I ever had, my father was a no show but when he was there all he ever did was hurt us, abuse us. He died last year, no matter what happened when I was little it was hard to know he was gone. He never really wanted to be in my life, he just wanted the money that came with my fame. But, I can forgive him now and honestly, I have already because he was sick.. both mentally and physically.

"Morning momma,'' I say, smiling at her and kissing her cheek.

I walk over to the table, kissing Maddie's forehead and the top of Astrid's head just before I feel arms wrap around my waist. A kiss being laid on my neck, the smell of her scent driving me completely insane. 

"Goodmorning Sleeping Beauty..,'' she says suductively, making me blush bright red making everyone in the room chuckle at us.

I turn around in her embrace, wrapping my arms around her neck pulling her face down to my level. I connect our lips, blocking out the sound of wolf whistles and yelling for us to get a room as well as the groaning from Astrid. I let myself be taken complete in by the kiss that send sparks jolting through my body like an electric shock. Her hands pulling my hips against her own, the heat growing between my legs as my tongue licks her bottom lip asking for entry. She shoves her tongue into my mouth, exploring every single inch of my mouth.

"CUT IT OUT YOU TWO!" Eddie yells, making us jump apart quickly with a huge blush on both our cheeks. 

I sit down next to the high chair holding Bailey in, his food all over his face and the table. His cheeky smile holding food that he is chewing away on, his fists holding more food to be showed into his already mess face. I sigh, looking at him and know I want this more then anything else. A baby that is mine.. One, that has my blood run through its veins and look like me.

"Baby, what are you thinking about?" she asks, worry coating her expression. 

Her hand runs over my leg, making me flinch away leaving a hurt look glowing through her sky blue eyes. She turns back to the table, sparking up conversation with our family sitting around the table including Dallas with her boyfriend as they smile with not even a worry in the world.


I walk along the hallway of the local hospital with my manager Phil, my assisant Natalie and my body guard Max. A nurse leading us through to the ward, the childrens ward my management organised. Originally I honestly didn't mind but being here and knowing I'm going to be around kid of all ages makes my heart hurt even worse as the want for the love of my own child burns through my veins like a fire fly. 

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