Chapter 29

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 29:



Demi stands in front of me with a playful smile in her lips. I run at her jumping on her, hoping she won't let me fall flat on my ass!

She holds me up by my ass, smiling as she lays her head against my boobs.

"Oh my gosh! I missed you!" I squeal loudly without even thinking.

"I missed you too beautiful!" She says slowly lowering me to the ground.

I quickly pick her up causing her to scream because she is in heels. I smile as I press my lips to hers letting her deepen our kiss.

A cough comes from our side. I quickly drop Demi onto her feet, she nearly falls straight on her ass. She grips onto my arm preventing her from falling.

"You two are a couple?" Astrid's voice says cracking with pain but hurt mainly.

I look up at the small girl 14 year old who stands nearly at the top of the stairs. Her eyes filled with hurt and disappointment, her face emotionless but I know her eye reflect what you can't see.

"Ash...-," I start to say but she walks away, I then turn to find Sammi staring at us.

"Go talk to her Ry. You should have told her and you know that!" She says before walking away leaving me stunned looking at Demi.

"Go talk go her Ry. You can't leave it like this. We need to talk after but this comes first!" She says kissing my cheek and walking to obviously find Sammi.

I walk up the stair heading pass my bedroom to the one right next door. Astrid's room. The door had a sign with her name on it which looked amazing. I take a deep breath and knock on the door, waiting for an answer was the next step.

"Y-Yeah..?" Her cracking voice asks.

It is beyond obvious she has been crying and I know that is all my fault. I didn't tell her that Demi and I were dating because I honestly didn't think she needed to know. I hate that I hurt her but she needs to realise I wasn't trying to hurt her I just didn't know how to tell her yet. I was working on that part of it.

"Can I come in Ash..?" I ask her my voice weak, that's when I realised tears are falling from my eyes.

"Y-Yeah...," she says with her voice cracking.

I open the door to find Astrid sitting on her bed with tears still falling down her cheeks. She is wearing a baggy hoodie and a pair of leggings. Her eyes are blood shot, her cheeks are tear stained and her make up is smudged. Her hair is all over the place, she looks horrible but mainly she looks broken.

I walk over to the bed, sit down next to her, wrapping one of my arms around her shoulders.

"I know I upset and hurt you by not telling you that Demi and I are in a relationship. You are now apart of my family and I was trying so hard I just didn't know how to tell you Ash..," I say looking over at her and wiping her tears away from where they had fallen.

"I just felt like I wasn't apart of the family because you didn't tell me you were a couple!" She says as she snuggles into my side, resting her head against my shoulder.

"It isn't like that Ash! It's more like I just a coward who finds big things in my life hard to talk about. I know this is different for you but me and Demi are a couple. You are my daughter now and you have a little brother Bailey now. Demi knows that I come with a son and daughter now," I say smiling as I kiss her temple, letting a smile fill my lips.

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