Chapter 13

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 13:


Walking to the door Demi holds my hand, she let's go as we walk through the front door. I walk about 4 or 5 steps behind Demi, I see her disappear as well as voices.

"Where's your friend?" Someone asks Demi, I can here her giggle.

"She walking in very soon, she's just being shy," she giggles.

I walk in with my hands in my hooded jackets pocket, I look around to see three people in the kitchen whilst Demi has her back to me. I tap her shoulder, causing her to turn around smiling at me.

"Guys, this is Ryder!" She says with a gorgeous smile on her lips, she pulls me forward smiling as she holds my forearm.

"Hi Ryder, I'm Dianna De La Garza. I'm Demi's mom," she says in a very strong Texan accent.

I just wave, giving a small smile.

A girl came into view, she has blonde hair but looks a lot like Demi. Her smile is beautiful.

"Hey, I'm Dallas Lovato. The weirdo's big sister!" She says with a smirk causing Demi to playfully punch her arm.

I wave giving her a bigger smile, trying not to hurt my lip at the same time.

I look over to a little girl who looks about maybe 12 or 13 years old, she is taller then Demi but that isn't hard to do trust me! I know her from somewhere but I don't exactly know where.

"Hey, I'm Maddie De La Garza. I'm THEIR little sister!" She says smiling as she points between Demi and Dallas.

"..hey..," I basically groan out, my lip is so sore that I just don't want to talk.

"So Maddie gets you talking, but not my mom or Dallas?" She asks with a playful smile.

I just shrug my shoulders, point to my very puffy lip. She walks away leaving me surround by people I don't know. Walking back in she hands me two tablets and a glass of water.

I quickly shove the tablets in my mouth drinking the water to get them down my throat.

We sit outside in the back yard around a table, they are eating away whilst I sit here awkwardly. I'm not eating because I don't like eating, plus my lip is just way too sore to attempt to eat. Well this will teach me for making the last minute to get spider bite piercing. Oh well, it was worth it!

"Ry, will you please just eat something?" Demi asks, concern filling her eyes.

"My lips just to sore," I say pointing to my lip which is still very swollen,

There is a very awkward silence now. I just look at my hands wondering why I agreed to come here with Demi.

"So Ryder, how old are you?" Dianna ask with a friendly smile.

"I'm-," I say but I'm cut off by Dallas.

"She's 18, her birthday was the same day as mine!" Dallas says sending Demi the biggest daggers, I just make eye contact with Demi raising my eye brow.

"I'm sorry Dal!" Demi sighs, I can tell there is something going on between the two of them.

"So Ryder, I can tell from the few words you have said that you have an accent, so where are you from?" Dianna ask with a cheery voice.

"I'm from Australia..," I say trying to smile but just hurting my lip anymore.

"Oh, so your parents are Australian?" Dianna asks.

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