Chapter 5

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 5:


I lay on Laylah's bed with Bailey on my chest, and Felix cuddled to my side. Both asleep, they are just so cute, I take a photo of the three of us chuckling.

My phone rings loud enough, I grab it answering without checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" I ask quietly trying not to wake the boys.

"Hey Ry. It's Sammi..," she says trailing off, her voice quiet but there is something going on I just know it.

"Hey Sammi, what's up beautiful?" I ask her quickly, trying to get it out of her.

"I need to talk to you. Can you please go on Skype because that is the only way I can talk to you face to face?" She asks, my stomach flips, I know there has be something big.

"Yeah, just Skype me now after I hang up," I say smiling, I hang up quickly.

I open my Skype up on my phone, just at that moment I see the Skype call come through. Answering quickly, I see a very nervous Sammi smiling at me through the screen.

"Hey Ry..," she says with a nervous smile.

"Hey Sammi," I say with the brightest smile.

"Where's Bailey?" She asks quickly with her eye brow raised.

I show her Bailey who lays asleep on my chest as well as Felix.

"Who's the other little boy she asks?" She asks with a curious stare.

"That's Laylah's son Felix. My god son..," I say trailing off, realising just how well Sammi had pushed what she wanted aside.

"Okay, spit it out Sammi. I know you wanted to talk to me for a reason. Your my sister I want to know what is going on," I say with my eyes focusing on her, nothing else.

"Ryder.. I'm... I'm..," she struggles to say it I just want to know what is going with my sister.

Yes she isn't related, but she is to me my sister. She gave birth to my nephew with me holding her hand tightly as she pushed him out with all her might. I was the first one beside the nurses to hold him, ever since then I have had an amazing bond with my nephew and his mummy Sammi.

"Come on beautiful. Your my sister I just want to know what's going on," I coo at her through the screen seeing her face start to get even whiter.

She looks down at her hands, not looking up at me.

"I'm... Pregnant.. I'm pregnant..," she says not looking up at all, I know there is tears rolling down her cheeks, not happy tears like it was when she found out she was pregnant with my nephew.

Her sobs fill my ears, my eyes start to well with tears. I'm not upset, I'm not mad.. I'm happy!

"Shhh beautiful..," I coo.

"Please.. I'm sorry.. I love you.. Don't leave me.. Your my sister.. Don't.. Be.. Mad..," she sobs loudly, I look at her in shock.

"Sammi, I'm excited I'm going to have a niece or another nephew!" I say with the brightest smile.

"Your mum will stop helping pay to keep us with a roof over our head and food on the table..," she start to cry again.

"If that happens you will come live with me. I will get us a house if I have to but only if it does come to that."

I spent an hour talking to Sammi, convincing her to tell my mum that she is pregnant.

Sammi fell pregnant after seeing a guy, keeping Darcy from him. As soon as he found out she has a 2 and a half year old he freaked, he told her not to contact him ever again. She told him she is pregnant, he told her only to contact him when the baby is born so he can wave all rights to the baby. She is devastated.

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