Chapter 1 (EDITED)

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Chapter 1:


Looking around, I find myself with my eyes locked on this girl. She sits with her back against the wall, knees to her chest as she fiddles with her bracelet and her head hanging low.

Her brown hair hanging down shields my view of her face, she just looks like she honest doesn't want to be here.

I sit down next her, my back against the wall and my knees to my chest. I open the cap off my bottle of water, taking a couple mouthfuls I put the cap back on.

"Want some?" I ask the girl, still not being able to see her face but hoping she will say yes but knowing she won't.

"Yes thank you..," she says finally looking up at me, her hair falling into place and I look straight into her breath taking blue eyes.

She takes the bottle from my hand, giving me the smallest smile. In just a few mouthfuls the bottle was gone. She looks back at me, the once glassy eyes now let her smile reach her eyes.

"Anyway.. I'm Demi," I say smiling at her brightly as I extend my hand out to her to shake.

She takes my hand shaking it lightly, she smiles nervously as she says,"I'm Ryder.."

I look at my phone, it reads 1:55am. It is definitely time for me to go bed. I have spent hours talking to this girl.

"Uh..I have to get going Ryder. So can I have your phone to put my number into it?" I ask her with a nervous smile.

"Yeah sure. But give me yours so I can put my number in yours," she says smiling handing me her phone.

I hand her mine, taking hers and writing my name in her phone and my number. I save it, I take a photo of myself so when she saw me calling she would know who it is.

We swap phones, I give her the biggest hug and a kiss on the cheek before leaving with my body guard Max and two of his guys.

I walk through the door, I lock the door behind myself. I grab a couple of left over cold pizza and eat it as I make my way up stairs.

Opening my door, I walk in shutting it behind myself. I strip off my clothes, heading into the bathroom I instantly jump in the shower. I wash off the make up from my face, the hair spray from my hair and the dirty from the day. I jump out, drying my hair with a towel, I wrap another towel around my wet body.

I brush my hair up into a messy bun, I brush my teeth. Run butt naked to my walk in wardrobe, the towel falls when I'm nearly there but I don't pick it up. I grab underwear pulling them on, I grab one of Wilmer's t-shirts he left here. It comes down just past my bum.

I turn my light off, walking straight to my bed. I get in, pulling the blankets up past my head. As soon as I thought about the girl I met tonight, my eyes started to get heavy, I close my eyes tight.


I wake up to hearing crying, wait nearly screaming of the baby. My baby. I roll out of bed, looking at the clock that reads 8:54am. I walk over to the other side of my room, picking him up. He stops crying. I smile at him brightly, he is the most adorable baby I have ever seen in my life.

My phone rings loudly from where it sits on my bed side table, I run over with my baby boy Bailey on my hip. Without checking the caller ID I answer my phone.

"Hello..?" I ask hesitantly.

"Hey, it Demi," she says in a happy little tone.

I try to remember, who she was but I couldn't.

Neon Lights (Demi Lovato Fanfic) (girlxgirl) (COMPLETED) {1}Where stories live. Discover now