Chapter 47

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 47


I cuddle closer into my little sister, her head laying on my chest as her soft snores flow through the silence filled room. It was just Maddie, my mom and I today as everyone else went out like most days. I took this chance to spend some long awaited time with my little sister, it has been so long since I just made a day about us two.

It is good to feel some sort of love and happiness. The last couple of days have been so hard, my marriage to my soul mate falling apart ever since I mentioned wanting my own baby. She has been sleeping in our room whilst I took one of the other guest rooms. Bailey has been so attached to her whilst I have been so disattached to the little boy who means the world to Ryder. Today she decided to take both Astrid and Bailey out with her, she was gone before I was even up.

The sound of foot steps bring me back to the reality, my mom stands in the doorway. Her smile no where to be seen, but a look of guilt placed there instead. But the big question is what is she guilt of?

"Dem, can I please talk to you in the kitchen?'' She asks with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Yeah, I will the in a second,'' I say quickly say.

I slip from Maddie's firm grip, laying her head down on the soft pillow. I stand to my feet walking into the kitchen, a coffee sits on the kitchen counter.

"I made you a coffee..''

I nod, taking it from the counter and taking small sips. I look at my mom as she looks at her feet, guilt radiating off her body as she takes a deep breathe.

"Ryder left today with the kids. She went back to LA to give you time to be able to get over this and if you can't to give her time to pack and leave.."


I walk through the door of our house.. the house that Demi worked so hard to make ours. Everything had gone wrong, it was never meant to come to this but there is no way she will not want a baby of her own. She won't let this go.

"Bai, can you take your bag up to your room?" I ask him, putting him down on the ground with his backpack on this back.

"Yes mwummy,'' he says smiling, he runs upstairs quickly.

I sigh, walking into our room but it makes tears form in my eyes. I walk out shutting the door behind myself. I dropped Astrid off a Bea's, she couldn't go another minute without seeing her but honestly I don't blame her. I grab my hand bag and my keys walking to the door as Bailey comes bolting down the stairs.

"mwummy up?" he asks, putting his arm up from me to pick him up.

I pick him up, swinging him onto my hip and walking out the house that brings so my memories that break my heart over and over again. I buckle Bailey into his car seat and getting in the drivers side, bring my car to life and reversing out the driveway.


I stand at the door of Sammi's house, tears falling from my eyes. My hand knocking loudly on the door as Bailey grips onto my side, his little hands wiping the tears that are falling from my eyes. The door slowly opens revealing Sammi standing there in just sweat pants and a singlet with her hair pulled back into a pony tail.

"Ryder?" she asks, confusion filling her facial features.

"Y-Yeah.." I stutter, tears free falling from my eyes.

She takes Bailey from my hip, whispering something is ear making him run through the house to the lounge room. She take my hand leading me into her bedroom, a crib holds Kingston's little sleeping body, his face so perfect and so innocent.

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