Chapter 2 (EDITING)

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 2:


Getting out the car, Ryder is hesitant but gets out. My smile grows as she walks around, brushes her hand with mine and sparks fly.

"Come on, I want you to meet my bestie Selena and her boyfriend Justin," I say smiling, grabbing her hand ignoring the sparks as I pull her up to the door.

I let her hand go, ringing the doorbell. The door opens, I see Selena standing there. I launch myself at Selena, she catches me giggling.

"Well it's good to see you too Dem!" She says giggling loudly.

"It's not my fault I've missed you so much!" I say in my most childish voice.

"It's okay Dem. I missed you too," she says smiling as she kiss my cheek.

She looks past me, her eyes focusing on Ryder. Ryder bows her head, her hair cascading around her face making it impossible to see it now.

"Who is she?" Selena ask with curiosity, her eye brow raised.

"That's the friend I asked to bring remember Sel?" I ask her, her eyes rolled like she does when she doesn't like someone.

Walking over to Ryder, her head tail down despite my touch. I can feel her shake as my hand sits on her back, my smile fades until it isn't there anymore.

"Ryder, it will be okay, she will like you. I just don't normally have friends that dress like you. But she will like you. Just keep your head held high beautiful girl!" I tell her bring her face up, smiling at her eyes finding mine they lock, I kiss her cheek.

She walks with me through the front door, I shut it behind her before leading her to the kitchen. Selena is pinned up to the kitchen bench by Justin in a very heated make out session.

"Umm.. Selena we are still here!" I half yell at her, causing them to jump.

"Justin, is just leaving now so we can have a girls night," she says smiling, she pecks his lips before he leaves.

I smile giving him a hug, I say good bye to my best friends boyfriend. I smile hearing him leave, it means it just us tonight.

"So Selena, this is Ryder. Ryder, this is Selena Gomez," I say introducing the two.

"Hi," Ryder says waving at Selena nervously.

"Hey," Selena says without looking at her.

I just look between them knowing this is going to be a very long night..


We ate pizza for dinner, my stomach is threatening to make me throw up here and now in the lounge room of Selena Gomez.

"Where's the toilet?" I ask quickly, I can feel Demi's eyes on me.

"Just upstairs, at the end of the hallway to your left," says Selena, she smiles as she turns around to Demi.

I run up stairs, bursting through the bathroom door. Locking the bathroom, I drop to my knees with my head over the toilet as the vomit comes flying out of my mouth.

I just sit on the floor, trying to get my breath back. A tear slides down my cheek, I feel so broken right now. I stand up, washing my mouth out with water. I flush the toilet, I wash my hands.

I walk back into the lounge room. Demi's eyes lock with mine, she looks me over but her eyes show no emotion at all.

"So what are we doing now?" I ask, forcing a fake smile onto my face.

"Get changed ready for bed, then watch a movie?" Selena ask Demi with a beautiful smile.

"Sound like a perfect plan," Demi says with one of the biggest smiles.

Selena grabs Demi's hand, pulling her upstairs. I just sit there, not wanting to go upstairs until I hear a voice call me.

"Ryder, come on. We will find you something to wear!" I hear Demi yell from upstairs.

I get up, making my way slowly upstairs I hear Selena talking to Demi. I stop just to listen.

"Demi, why you hanging out with her?" Selena asks with venom in her voice.

"Because I can talk her for hours and we just connect," Demi says, I can hear the smile in her voice.

"Dem, she is probably homeless, or trying to get to your money Demi," she says with venom.

"I met her at a party only for famous people so I don't thing I have to worry about either of those things Sel," Demi says defensive.

"Demi, there is something I don't like about her. She is probably a little fan girl!" Selena says with venom coating her words.

I walk in not letting Demi talk, her face fall. Selena stares at me with wide eyes, they both know I heard what they said.

"If you want me to go all you had to do was ask me. I came because Demi asked me and I have only been in Los Angeles for a month. I guess everyone just looks at me and think they know me," I say with no emotion, I wasn't going to give them any either.

I walk out, heading down stairs ignoring the calls from Demi to stop. I walk out the front door, heading out driveway.

"Ryder, Stop!" She yells at me hope no where in her voice.

I just keep walking, but my arm is pulled. Turning me around, I see her eyes with tears welling in them.

"Ryder, please stay," she begs, stepping so close to me.

"I have to go Demi," I say accidentally letting pain into my voice.

I grab her face in my hands, crashing my lips with hers. She licks my lip, I allow her entry. I pull away, kissing her cheek, I walk away..


This is a Demi Lovato fanfiction and a girlxgirl story

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