Chapter 14

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 14:


I can't believe what I did yesterday, but I'm just soooo sick of not knowing.

Dallas hasn't told me what the fuck is going on. I just can't stand her right now, I know she is my big sister but she shouldn't be looking out for Ryder it should be me!

I break out of my thoughts, I can hear foot steps coming down the stairs. I'm sitting in the kitchen on the bench, sending my sister daggers.

A girl I know instantly steps into the kitchen, her face shows anger more then anything. Her brown hair flowing natural like she hasn't had the time to straighten it like the last time I saw her. Her normally bright blue eyes are barely a noticeable blue. She stares at me, point straight to me.

"We need to talk, Now!" She says in the most angry tone I've heard so far come from any of the Ryder's siblings.

I walk out our kitchen heading into the lounge room with Jacinta not too far behind me.

"What the fuck were you think?" Jacinta yells at me, she looks at me with disappointment.

"I wasn't!" I yell back at her.

"Just fucking listen to me. You hurt her beyond what I thought YOU would. If you ever fucking hurt her like that again I will knock you the fuck out! Don't fucking ask about our brother ever again! Now, get your ass upstairs, talk to her and if she lets you kiss her then you know she will or has forgiven you!" She yells at me, her eyes flaring with anger.

I get up running straight upstairs, tripping three times but that isn't important. Dallas wouldn't tell me why she didn't just take Ryder home instead of here, something is going on that I don't know.

I can't get her words out my head, after I had been the biggest bitch out. She told me to have fun on my tour, I thought she had completely forgot I start touring next week.

I walk slowly to Dallas's bedroom door, knock gently to not scare the shit out of her.

"Yeah..," she says weakly, I am only just able to hear it.

I take a deep breath, I open the door slowly moving inside of Dallas's bedroom. Ryder's laying with her back to the door, her knees to her chest and her face hidden under her messy hair.

I shut the door behind myself, something isn't right but I can't wonder about that now. I walk over sitting down next to her back.

"I'm sorry Ryder..," I say just above a whisper.

My guilt has built up so badly that it is becoming so unbearable to know I hurt her. I hurt her because I'm confused which is making me angry and I took it out on her.

It isn't her fault! I'm confused and scared. I don't understand my feelings, I've never been attracted to girls before. I've always liked guy, but Ryder, she feels so right when I'm with her. I've never ever felt like that about anyone, but maybe she is the person I'm meant to be with.

"Okay..," she says in a weak voice.

"Can you please forgive me?" I ask her quietly.

She takes a deep breath, she moves her knees from her chest, she swings her hair out of her sight. She sits up looking, straight into my eyes with those breath taking blue eyes. My mouth falls open as I see something I never want to see again!

Both her eyes are black, her bottom lip as a slowly healing split in it. Her eye brow has strips holding each side of the split skin together. Her eye look into mine, not letting the connection break.

"Stop stuffing around and make up your fucking mind Demi.."


The bed skinks down near my back as someone is sitting behind me. I don't really want to talk, my lip is hurting so bad. Luckily my piercings are fine, they didn't get hurt at all so it wasn't a waste of money. My whole body is arching, but that isn't what is hurting the most.. It's the fact that Demi doesn't want me.

I hear the person I had forgotten was behind me take in a deep breath.

"I'm sorry Ryder..," she says just above a whisper, guilt as well as pain filling her words.

It broke my heart in two, I start to take in just how broken she sounds but I feel numb.

"Okay..," I say with my voice coming out as weak.

"Can you please forgive me?" She asks hoping I would.

I take a deep breath, I let my knees go out straight. I move my hair from my face. Sitting up I turn around to face Demi. Her jaw drops as she looks at the damage that has been done to my face, pain fills her face and all I want to do is make that go away.

Our eyes connect, not breaking as her gorgeous chocolate brown eyes. I can't handle not knowing what the fuck is going on. She needs to make up her mind on what the fuck she wants and what she wants from me or I will be walking away.

"Stop stuffing around and make up your fucking mind Demi.." I say with every emotion I'm feeling.

She looks at me her eyes looking no where other then in mine. I can tell she is fighting against her thoughts as she tries to figure out what the fuck she wants.

I can't handle watching her fight the battle she is in the pretty little head of hers. I climb onto her lap, kissing her cheek before hiding my head in the crook of her neck, just breathing in her scent.

Her arms wrap around me protectively, still wrapped up in her battle in her mind. I can't handle this anymore, I can't let her look so lost. I sit up, kissing her nose, I smile at her.

"Dem..?" I ask her looking up at the beautiful girl.

"Yeah Ry?" She asks finally smiling softly at me, she looks beyond lost right now.

"I will give you time to think.. But I won't wait long Dem," I say looking at her with nothing but love for the beautiful girl in front of me.

I move my face so barely any space separates our races. I look into her eye, just searching for something to tell me how she feels. She closes her eye, crashing her lips against mine. I close my eyes, she licks my bottom lip asking for entry which I grant. She pulls away, my breathing is heavy not only from lack of air but just how mind blowing that kiss was.

I just look into her eyes as she begs me, I know she just needs time.

"I'll wait.."


This is a Demi Lovato fanfiction and a girlxgirl story

10 votes please.. Know this is short chapter so will update chapter 15 sometime tomorrow :)

What do you think about Ryder waiting for Demi to decide if she wants Ryder or not?

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