Chapter 39

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 39:


I wake to the sound loud music blasting through the house, I look over to see Demi still fast asleep in bed, snoring of course! Who ever is playing the music has to have woken the littles ones and I will fucking kill them.

I walk down stairs to the sound of laughter and the smell of eggs and bacon being cooked. I walk into the kitchen to find Maddie cooking at the stove with Astrid holding Lexa and Jessikah holding Bailey. They are dancing around until their eyes finally fall onto me.

"Morning Ry..," Jessikah says, I feel two bodies crash into my legs.

I look down to find Bailey and Lexa holding one of my legs each. I kiss their foreheads and popping their noses making them giggle. They ran back to the girl, I smile at the cuteness of my beautiful little babies.

"Morning guys. Fifth Harmony will be here in an hour so get dressed. We are going to the beach. Maddie, Demi already invited Bea and Drew to come with..," I say watching her face light up.


I walk downstairs in my bikini with shorts on. Demi walks down behind me in a very revealing, it makes Astrid choke on her toast making me laugh as her eyes bug out her head.

"Ash, eyes off ya step mum!" I teasing, making everyone laugh but Astrid turn bright red.

She hinds her face into Camila's shoulder making me laugh at her cuteness. She was so embarrassed but that's what made this feel so right with all of us being here as a family. She was the perfect part of our family but I just know there is so much more drama in front of us with her recovery as well as mine and Demi's.

We pile into my car, with Astrid, Camila, Lexa. Demi took Maddie, Bea, Bailey and Jessikah. Ally drove Lauren, Dinah, Normani and Marissa. Sammi is going to meet us down there with the rest of my family since they are staying for a week so they can be here for Xander's 2nd birthday.

I pull into the parking lot at the beach next to Sammi's car load. Demi pulls up next to me with Ally next to her with a smile. We get out, grabbing everything out as we make our way down the sand.

I lay out the towels as everyone runs into the water leaving me here with my mum. Her pale skin with her eyes sunken back in just make her look deadly sick but the reality is that she is dead sick. Her skinny body with bones sticking though covered by the clothing that leaves only her arms and legs on display. Black blue bruises fills her legs and arms as they look so horrible, needle marks line not only her arms but also her legs making her look like a drug user but I know she isn't it's just the horrible fact that she has cancer.

I sit next to my mum, kissing her cheeks making her smile,"I love you so much mum.."

She snuggles me into her, my head resting on her chest listening to her heart beat slowly, not the normal healthy heart beat of any health person. I just enjoy being in my mum's arms because this hadn't happened since way before Darcy passed away.

"I miss him too Ryder..," Mum says sighing, she always knew when something was bothering me especially when it came to Darcy.

Darcy and I were the closest siblings I have ever met. We were so alike but I guess that's because we were rare. Darcy and I are actually a rare kind of set of twins, we are identical twins just of different genders. We were so alike mum sometimes use to hate it but honestly she just loved seeing us bond. I was so protective over him when he was first diagnosed with cancer. My mum was a mess so I had to be the strong one and ever since then I have been the tough badass girl who everyone thinks is trouble when honestly I'm not.

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