Chapter 18

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 18:


I walk down stairs, with our bags in hand sitting them by the door. I walk into the kitchen to see Junior or as he wants to be known as Xander. Only because his last middle name is Alexander, I use to call him Xander (Zander) for short before he started to act so much like my brother Darcy that we called him Junior.

"Morning buddy," I say smiling down at him as I ruffle his sandy blonde hair.

I walk over to the fridge pulling out a bottle of water. Unscrewing the cap off the bottle I swallow a couple mouthfuls. My stomach growls loudly, Junior just giggles as he continues to eat the pancake that sits in front of him half eaten.

I haven't eaten in two weeks, I know that will change once I go to see Demi. She won't take no for an answer and will see through my lies.

I'm flying over to spend a week with Demi while she is on tour. Yeah I know I won't get too much time with her, but I'm missing her like crazy. I'm even taking Bailey with me, she organised for us to have lunch out with her family. They don't know about us or even about Bailey being my son. Demi wasn't sure if she was going to come out to her parents that we are dating since it has only been like two or three weeks but they needed to know she is not only interested in guys. Demi wanted them to meet Bailey though, I was more hesitant but I am his mum I am going to be very protective of him.

Sammi walks in with Bailey on her hip sucking on his dummy. It is a Tigger one since he loves Tigger heaps. I dressed him with his little black track pants, a Tigger top and jacket hoodie as well as his cute little DC skate shoes. He looks beyond cute.

"I fed him but he needed a nappy change too!" She says tickling his sides causing giggle to erupt from his little body with a wide smile on his face.

I take him from her as I smile at him. Today I decided to wear my black ripped skinny jeans, Batman top, batman hooded jumper and my favourite batman converse. I even wear my batman SnapBack, I have light make up but enough to still look good enough for Demi to see me.

"Can you take a photo of us two please?" I ask Sammi pouting to make her say yes as I hold Bailey tight against my side.

She hands me back my phone with the cutest photo on the screen of Bailey and I. It is sooooo going up on twitter!

'@Ryder_Darcy: @ddlovato can't wait to see you we already to go :3'

I knew that it wouldn't be long until Demi would tweet me back but right now I need to get my bags into the car and my little boy. I'm driving to the air port but Sammi is driving home.

I place out bags in the boot. I quickly strap Bailey in his car seat as Sammi straps Junior in. I get I'm shutting my door behind me, strapping myself in I drive out of my driveway heading down the road on my way to the air port. Finally I'm going to get to see my girlfriend again.


I wake up to fans screaming my name from outside of my tour bus. That makes me smile but I would rather be sleeping right now then listening go my own name being called over and over again.

I throw the blankets off my body, swinging my legs over the side of me bed. I get up heading for a shower since I seem incredibly bad. Lucky, everyone was off the bus at the moment because I would have snapped their head off.

Walking back to my bunk in my black skinny jeans, my overly big black hoodie and my black vans. I have my hair tied up in a messy bun and a little coat of foundation.

Neon Lights (Demi Lovato Fanfic) (girlxgirl) (COMPLETED) {1}Where stories live. Discover now