Chapter 10

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 10:


She looks at me, her breathing quickens but she speaks,"I'm Ryder Jasmine Darcy Kelly.. Yes, my last name is Kelly. I'm Victor Kelly's daughter. I am one of 10 children on my dad's side, but one of 5 on my mum's side. I was born in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 9 minutes after my twin brother Darcy James Ryder Kelly. My beautiful nephew Darcy James Ryder Alexander Kelly Jnr. was born on August 1st 2012. I fell pregnant and had my beautiful baby boy Bailey Zedekiah Darcy Ryder Kelly 10 months ago. I grew up in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia living between my mum in Australia and my father in LA.. I love music, Today is my 18th birthday and I'm laying here with the girl I want.."

My eyes look over her beautiful face, so many emotions lay in her eyes. I know she isn't telling me everything but eventually she will, I just have to build up her trust in me.

A knock on the door startling us, I smile as Ryder looks at the door,"come in."

A girl with long brown hair, grey eyes and is nearly as tall as Ryder stands in the doorway. She looks so much like Ryder it is crazy, she gives a little smirk towards us.

"You are so lucky I came up here instead of Jessikah!" She says with the biggest smile.

"What do you want for me owing you now?" Ryder asks after sighing.

"I want to sleep up here with you tonight and we watch movies tonight just you, me, Sammi and the boys!" She says with the biggest smirk.

"Fine! Deal," Ryder says with a playful smile.

The room falls into a very awkward silence. I just look between the two girls who look so alike, the girl standing in the doorway, her eyes looking at how we lay pretty much spooning each other.

"Are you going to introduce me Ry?" She's asks smirking.

I knew she wouldn't know what to say, because I didn't even know what we are.

"Jacinta, this is my friend Demi Lovato. Demi, this is my big sister Jacinta Kelly," Ryder says looking between both of us.

Jacinta smirks,"well, our father said you have an hour to get ready before we go out to dinner and I think you should bring your girlfriend with you."

Jacinta bolts, Ryder lays here with her cheeks filling red. She rolls over, hiding her head in my chest, she is just too cute.

"I'm so sorry about my sister!" She mumbles into my chest, embarrassment filling her words.

"Oh, you haven't seen embarrassment until you have met my two sisters," I say with the biggest smile, she is lucky I don't want her to meet my family.

"Well.. I was wondering if you want to come to dinner with us tonight for my 18th birthday dinner..?" She asks, looking up at me with hope filled eyes.

Her eyes looking with mine, she pecks my lips with a enough spark and her puppy dog eyes to convince me to go to dinner with her family.

"Okay..," I say giving her a smile.

She get up, pulling me out the door with her. I swear I tripped more then once down the stairs, but I'm happy to be caught by her strong arms.

She pulls me into the lounge room, the same girls sit on the couches but watching the end of Camp Rock now. Letting go of my hand, she gives me a bit of personal space.

"Guys, this is my friend Demi Lovato. You guys are watching a movie with her as one of the stars. So now each of you introduce yourself!" She says her tone firm but a smile plaster on her face.

Neon Lights (Demi Lovato Fanfic) (girlxgirl) (COMPLETED) {1}Where stories live. Discover now