Chapter 8

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(Demi Fanfic)

Chapter 8:


I walk down stairs, the house is empty in the first time in the longest time ever. My dad must have taken the kids out somewhere or the older ones are at school.

I walk through the kitchen to the lounge room, Bailey is fast asleep upstairs in his cot. He hasn't been sleeping that well lately, I think he might be getting a cold or something. I'm hoping not because I can't afford to have a very sick little man.

I grab out a movie, shoving it into the DVD player in the side of the tv. Only once I press play I realise it is Camp Rock..

Yes I am sitting watching the girl I like A LOT on my screen. I smile, she is so different now. She is beyond beautiful now. She is..


My phone vibrates in my hand as I'm getting a phone call. I check the caller ID and it reads.. Demi Lovato.

I answer without thinking.

"I know you have a kid Ryder! Natalie told me since you didn't fucking tell me! What the fuck were you thinking? Didn't I have a fucking right to know!" A very pissed off Demi Lovato screams at me.

"I was going to tell you but Natalie told you first. There is stuff I haven't told you but that was for me to tell you when I thought you should know as well as when I was ready to deal with it!" I yell back losing control.

"Did you ever think that I might have wanted to know?" She yells loudly.

"Did you ever think that maybe i wasn't ready to tell you or anyone else? Did you ever think there is more to it then you thought?" I scream with every emotion I am feeling.

I hear a knock at the front door, I'm the only one here. I really need to get the door and this argument can wait until later when I'm ready to deal with losing the girl I was trying to keep in my life.

"I have to go someone is at my front door. We will finish this argument later when I have the time for this..," I sigh, hanging up knowing this is only going to make it worse.

I calm myself down, taking a couple deep breaths. I let my body calm, the tension leaving me.

I walk for the front door, I coat my face with a fake smile like every other day. Opening the door, I see one person I never expected..

Sammi stand there holding Junior in her arms with a little smile..

Throwing my arms around her, I smile for once. I have to say she is the best birthday present, since tomorrow is my 18th birthday.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her with the biggest smile ever, besides when I saw my son for the first time.

"Your mum told me.. She isn't supporting me anymore and wants a DNA test done on Junior..," she says, tears fill her eyes, spilling out and running down her cheeks.

Holding her tight in my arms I kiss her forehead. This girl kept my family together when she gave birth to my nephew.

I love her beyond anything else. She is my sister even though there is no blood binding us together.

"It will be okay..," I whisper into her ear.

I sit on the couch with Sammi's head in my lap whilst she sleeps. I know this is the only time I'm going to be able to call Demi back.

I unlock the screen on my iPhone, scrolling through my contacts until I land upon Demi's, clicking call.

"So it take you 4 fucking hours to get back to me!" Demi yells at me through the phone, causing Sammi to stir a bit.

Neon Lights (Demi Lovato Fanfic) (girlxgirl) (COMPLETED) {1}Where stories live. Discover now