Chapter eight: Clemont wasn't the only one with a secret..

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(Guys I'm sorry! 🤣 I'm not dead, just been busy! Sorry this took so long! 😅)

"Sierra?" Ash walked up to her. "Is that.. you?"

She stared at him extremely nervous and she started shaking. Soon, she started crying, she wasn't ready yet to tell the whole truth. She felt so ashamed and guilty about everything's she's done in the past.

Serena comforted her. "It's alright Sierra, don't cry.. it's okay.. I'm here with you."

Clemont walked up to her and hugged her. "Hey.. it's alright Sierra.. we're here.. please.. tell us what's been going on.."

They let go from the hug and Sierra looked at Ash with a stuffed nose and tears pouring from her face. "I'm s-sorry Ash.. I should've let you know that I was okay.. I was rescued after I fell in the ocean... and I headed home. But I couldn't stay..."

"What a minute.. you're the same Sierra? Team Plasma's ex commander.. the same girl who quit and jumped out of their moving air fortress into the ocean? THAT Sierra??? Y-you're alive.."

"Yes.. I.. I'm sorry.. I betrayed you Ash.. betrayed all of you.."

"S-Sierra.. I.."

Clemont walked to her. "Hang on a minute.. can we start this from the beginning, Sierra? If it's alright with you?"

She nodded. "Yes. Let's talk while we're moving, we do have to get to Lumiose city after all.. Me, telling my story would probably slow us down...."

Serena held her shoulder. "You alright with telling them all this?"

She nodded. "I can't keep this guilt and stress inside of me any longer, Serena. I don't need to lie to my friends.. And I can't, it would be like betraying Ash all over again.."

"I understand, sis.."

As they were all walking down the path towards Lumiose city, Sierra explained herself, and began telling her story from the beginning.

"You see.. while I was living in Unova, after my mother had passed away.. from an unknown illness.. I saw this group of people who were claiming to stop abuse and neglect from happening in the region, I wanted to step up and help. So I joined the team. But the thing was.. once I joined, we started taking Pokemon from so many people. I was so blinded by their lies of: "We'll be saving them, and we'll be doing them a favor.." And soon I became their commander, it all became worse.. I was a total fool, and nothing more than a tool to Ghetsis.. And until you came around, Ash.. that I realized that it wasn't exactly what I thought of it to be... I felt betrayed myself.. After I found out that the leader wanted nothing but world domination, I quit. And jumped out of their flying base. I never regretted that, even though I regret everything else. And Ash.. I'm.. I'm sorry.. for everything.. If Cilan and Iris we're here..." She pauses. "What would they even say..? They wouldn't ever forgive me... What I did, I took little Axew right from Iris' arms..." She began to cry once more.

Ash stopped in his tracks, causing everyone else to stop. He faced Sierra and walked over to give her the biggest hug.

She stood there shocked, that he would ever forgive her for what she did.

"I-I'm s-s-so sorry-!!" She sobbed.

"It's alright Sierra.. i know you didn't mean those things, you were blinded by your leader's lies. I'm just glad that you're alright! You jumped right into the ocean! You could've drowned and died."

"I know.. *sniffle* "I k-know.." she looked at Clemont, who smiled at her and was next to hug her.

"We're not angry, Sierra.. we know your heart was in the right place. You were taken advantage of.. and that's horrible.."

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