Chapter seventeen: The Pokevision performance!

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After they stopped by the the Pokemon center, the group spent the night and rose up early the next morning. As they were about to leave, they caught something very interesting up on the T.V screen.

"Welcome back to Pokevision, live! Time for more rankings, we've reached number four on our top ten! And it's.. Snow capped Onix!"

Ash's eyes were glued to the screen. "Wow.. I've never seen Pokevision before!"

"That's amazing, since everyone knows about it!" Serena said in disbelief.

"Pokevision refers to promotional videos created by trainers themselves." Clemont explained.

Ash kept watching the screen in awe. "Awesome, that's so cool! And I wish I knew what that meant."

Everyone sighed.

The Tv announced the third winner. "Next, we bring you video number 3! Psyduck at twilight!"

"Pokevison is also a great way to introduce others Pokemon to the public!"

Bonnie gushed at the psyduck on the Tv. "Psyduck is such a cutie pie!!"

Sierra was completely captivated by all the Pokemon. "This is amazing! I never knew something this charming and entertaining existed!"

"Next! Number two! The beauty of Joy!"

Serena smiled. "And it can also show the bond between trainer and Pokemon like this video does! Isn't it cool?"

Sierra nodded in response. "It is!"

"You see, trainers upload their videos to an online viewing site, and the Pokevision top ten is based on viewers rankings they receive." Clemont explained to Ash.

"Man, that's awesome. I wonder who's number one!"

"And now, it's time for this week's video number one!!! Aria and Fennekin's Life Of An Idol!!"

"Aaaah! I knew Aria would win!!!" Bonnie rose up in her seat.

Clemont smiled. "After those two had a series of top ten Pokevision appearances, they made their debut as a pop duo and became Pokemon superstars."

Chespin was eyeing the screen and drooling at how cute Aria's Fennekin was. Sierra's Chespin glared at him. And so did Serena's Fennekin.

"You know, that's a really cute.."

Serena looked at him.


Serena then sighed in relief.

Bonnie giggled. "I think Ash gets it."

"You know what?" Serena picked Fennekin up. "My Fennekin's just as cute anyday!"

"For sure!" Bonnie agreed. "And you're at least as cute as Aria is!"

Serena blushed. "Aw thanks Bonnie!"

Fennekin stuck her tongue out at Chespin, and Sierra's Chespin started laughing.

Clemont looked around the room. "Y'know, I'm pretty sure you can rent all the equipment you need to make Pokevision videos right here."

"Really???" Bonnie was very excited, and Serena stood up.

"Great! So, I'll I'll make my debut Pokevision video today!"

They went over to talk to Nurse Joy about renting the equipment needed for the video, she pointed to the upstairs and said they should go talk to a man who would help them.

Serena started walking up the stairs. "I always knew I'd be making a Pokevision video if I ever got a Pokemon!"

Bonnie tugged on Clemont's jumpsuit. "I wanna make a video with Dedenne!"

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