Chapter twenty nine: The aura storm

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Piercing glows of red and white flow through the area as Lucario was transitioning into its mega evolution. Lucario then, stopped glowing and stood tall, its eyes glowing red.

"We did it!! We really did it, Lucario!!!" Korrina ran to Lucario to hug him.

"Whoa... check it out.."

"Mega.. Lucario."

After Korrina released Lucario. It looked at its palm, which was pulsing with aura.

"Awesome, Lucario! Your aura is really strong now!" Korrina beamed. "The super strongest!!" She ran to hug Lucario again. "This is what we've been waiting for!!"

The group hurried to gather behind them.

"That's awesome! Look at you now!" Ash congratulated.

"I'm totally in awe, you two have pulled it off in a really big way! Congratulations!"

Korrina smiled at their praise. "Thanks a lot!" She turned to her grandpa. "Well, grandfather! We hung in there and did it! It was all worth it, right?"

Gurkin smiles, but says nothing.

"Well.. wasn't it?"

Korrina words were stopped by Lucario's aura flowing through her as it threw punches and kicks in the air.

"It sure is impressive! The future of the Shalour gym is certainly bright!" Mr Magenty commented.

Gurkin agreed. "Yes."

Lucario continued to throw its punches and kicks to test how strong its aura was. And everyone could feel it.

"Oh wow.. that breeze feels very warm..!" Sierra said.

Korrina smiled. "That was Lucario's aura you felt! It's being projected throughout its body!"

"That's amazing!" Serena gushed. "I wonder how much stronger it's gotten!"

Right after Serena said those words, Clemont chuckled, and took a small machine out of his bag.

"I've been hoping for someone to ask that! This will make you wonder no more!" He said as he started the machine up.

"What is it?" Serena asked, curiously.

His glasses shone bright as he chuckled again. "The future is now, thanks to science! Clemontic gear, on! This device will shed some light on the power of mega evolution! I call it.. the Pokemon power meter!"

Bonnie crouched down, looking at the device. "Booooring... but it says what it does.."

This embarrassed Clemont and he shrugged it off, Sierra then scolded Bonnie for making fun of her brother's invention.

"Bonnie, your brother worked very hard on this.. let's not judge it before it's tested out, huh?"

Bonnie sighed. "Yeah, you're right... I'm sorry."

"Now! Observe!" He pointed the device in Lucario's direction. "It uses pre existing Pokemon data for reference value, you point it at your subject, and.. power on!"

He turned the machine on, and its arrow started moving to a higher frequency.

"It's a must have device if you want to keep track of your Pokémon's development!"

Ash was impressed. "Wow, science is so amazing!"

Serena agreed. "I don't really get it, but it sounds great!"

Sierra agreed as well. "I agree! Well done, Clem!"

He blushed at everyone's flattering comments. "Why, thank you! You're all making me blush!" He blushed even more when Sierra winked at him.

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