Chapter thirty eight: Foggy Pokemon Orienteering

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Ta-da! Here's the next chapter for you, so enjoy! I'm going to be trying my best to upload more frequently, so I can provide more content for you all! This chapter posted a little later than I wanted, but I am working a full time job at a hospital now :) So I'll try to get these out as frequently as I can! Enjoy!

(Ta-da! Aquí está el próximo capítulo para ti, ¡así que disfruta! ¡Haré todo lo posible para subir contenido con más frecuencia, de modo que pueda brindarles más contenido a todos ustedes! Este capítulo se publicó un poco más tarde de lo que quería, pero ahora estoy trabajando a tiempo completo en un hospital :) ¡Así que trataré de publicarlos con la mayor frecuencia posible! ¡Disfrutar!)

Professor Sycamore's Pokemon summer camp is roaring at a fever pitch, and our heroes are in the thick of it! With each event, teams compete for points. The team with the most points will enter the Pokémon summer camp hall of fame, as champion Diantha once did. Now, stay tuned as the battle for points heats up!

It was the evening of the last competition, and all of the campers were served dinner once the winners were announced. Ash, as always, was going to town on his meal. Everyone else playfully roll their eyes at him and continue eating like normal people 🤣

All of their Pokemon partners were gathered up near the tables they were sitting at. Our heroes could see the rest of Team Squirtle's Pokemon partners.

Trevor had Charmander, Flabebe, Slakoth, and Shellos.

Shauna's team consisted of Bulbasaur, Gothita, Swirlix, and Flabebe.

Tierno's Pokemon were Squirtle, Lotad, Poliwhirl, and Tyrogue.

And last but not least, Calem's partner's were Espurr, Axew, Inkay, Absol, and Trapinch.

Serena had noticed that Sierra was shaking in her seat. Her eyes were wide and locked on something in particular. She puts her hand on Sierra's shoulder, snapping her out of her daze.


"Hey.." Serena saw how shaky she was. "Are you okay? What are you looking at over there?"

It grabs the rest of the group's attention.

She brushes the situation off, continuing to eat her food, still making eye contact with whatever she was staring at. "It's nothing, Serena. I'm fine."

"Are you sure, Sierra?" Clemont asked her. "You're looking kind of pale."

"I can tell when you are feeling tense.. In other words, I can tell you're on the verge of an anxiety attack.. something's bothering you.. I know it."

Sierra became defensive, but before she spoke, she took a deep breath. "Guys, I appreciate the concern.. but I'm fine. Okay?"

"Alright, I'll stop. But whenever you're ready to talk, We'll listen." She gives up, but still pondering why Sierra suddenly changed her attitude.

But then, Ash looked at Calem's Pokemon.. then he knew. "Oh. That's why."

(This seems very confusing now.. but we'll return to this issue later on in this chapter.)

"Good evening, trainers." The professor's voice suddenly came up to the mic on stage. "Is everyone having a good time here at camp?"

Everyone shouts "Yeah!" Eagerly.

"That's marvelous to hear, everyone. Thank you. But I just happen to have an event planned for tomorrow that's even more marvelous."

Ash was definitely curious. "I wonder what it is."

Professor Sycamore continues. "So, get ready for a favorite annual tradition at summer camp, it's Pokemon Orienteering!"

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