Chapter fourteen: Getting to know each other better

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Earlier the previous evening, the group came to a Pokemon center nearby Camphier town, which was the next town over. The next morning, Ash got up early, made himself a small snack, and headed out the front door with his Pokemon while everyone else was asleep.

Serena woke up first. *yawn* she looked around and saw that Ash wasn't in bed. She smiled. "He must be out training already." She thought to herself. Then went back to sleep.

A few hours later, everyone woke up. Clemont prepared breakfast, before they all ate, Clemont asked Serena if she could go get Ash so he could join them, on her way out, Serena took Bonnie with her and she nudged Sierra.

"You'll finally get some alone time with him, Y'know.. start getting to know him better."

Her face turned red. "S-Serena! D-"

She winked at her. "Come on, talk to him. Ask him some questions, tease him, Make him laugh! Do something! The opportunity is literally right here. So don't waste it!"

Sierra's face turned even redder. "Shh!! He can probably hear you! Keep your voice down!"

Then she heard Clemont's voice. "Hey, Sierra? Could you help me in here with breakfast?"

She blushed. "Y-Yeah! Sure! I'm coming!"

Serena laughed, and Bonnie winked at her. "Go get him! I can't wait for you and my brother to have your first kiss!"

If Sierra's face could get any redder, it'd be a tamato berry. She saw the other two girls wave bye and go outside to talk to Ash. Sierra walked quietly into the kitchen and Clemont was still working on finishing breakfast.

"Hmm.." She sneaked over to him and suddenly wrapped her arms around his shoulders, surprising him and causing him to yelp loudly.

"Aaah! Oh- geez.. Sierra.." he blushed. "You scared me.." he chuckled. "What was that for?"

She giggled back. "Sorry about that. Just saw the opportunity and couldn't resist. So, What did you need help with?"

He looked at the pan. "Well.. actually.. I just wanted to talk to you was all.." he blushed more. "To be honest, I've almost got breakfast ready.."

"Oh! What did you want to talk about?"

"I just wanted to get to know you better, you know? We have all day to do whatever we want, we can help Ash with his training, or we could just sit back and talk. I-if that's okay with you!"

She leaned on his shoulder. "I think sitting around and playing with our Pokemon while getting to know each other sounds awesome, don't you think?"

He nodded. "Yeah, once breakfast is done, we can do just that."

"Sounds like a plan!"

She smiled up at him and he smiled back. Afterwards, Serena and Bonnie brought Ash and his Pokemon inside and they all had breakfast.

"So, Ash? How's the training coming along?" Sierra asked him.

He pumped his fist in the air. "It's going great! I'm feeling confident about this next battle, for sure! Once we're done eating, we're going back out to train some more! Right buddy?"

"Pika! Pikachu!"

Sierra giggled at his response. "You're really determined, aren't you?"

He nodded. "I'm pumped, too!"

Serena looked at him with concern. "Now you know that you shouldn't push yourself or your Pokemon too hard, right?"

He nodded. "Yeah of course! We just need to train some more for our next battle, we'll be careful, Serena. We promise."

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