Chapter thirty three: Battles in the sky! Fletchling's time to shine!

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The night before, our heroes camped out in the forest where they met Hawlucha previously. The next morning, they gathered their things and started heading towards Shalour city once more.

"Well, it looks like we're out of the forest.." Serena said, looking at her Pokédex for directions. "Where are we headed next?"

The group found themselves on top of a huge mountainside. They were baffled to see the different scenery after they had just left the forest full of trees and ponds. Now it looked like a huge desert.

They walked along the rocky pathway until they hit a small dead end at a cliff, they were amazed at the sight of the canyons below them. This place was much bigger than they thought.

"Amazing! Look how huge it is!" Ash gushed.

Serena pointed at her Pokédex. "It says that this is the famous Kalos Canyon!"

"Wow, what a sight!" Clemont said.

"Indeed! I can't believe we're just standing over the entire thing like this." Said Sierra. "It's truly magnificent!"

"Yeah, totally." Ash agreed. "It looks awesome!"

"It took nature tens of thousands of years to create this masterpiece." Clemont educated. "It's simply gorgeous."

Ash turned to the others after a few more moments of gazing at the canyon. "Why don't we take a break here with this really pretty scenery?"

"Sounds good to me!"

"Yeah! Let's do it!"

"I'm in!"

They all threw out their pokeballs and let their Pokemon out for a good break and to let them look at the canyon.

"Everyone, come on out!" They all said.

"Fro! Froakie!"


"Hawlu! Cha!"

"Fenne Fenne!"

"Bun! Bunnelby!"


"Chespin Ches!"

"Chespin pin pin~"

"Dewott Dew!"


*squeak squeak*

"Lisk! Heliolisk!"

Hawlucha stood on top of a small rock, bone of the other Pokemon recognized it, so they just stared at him in confusion. Fletchling especially was a bit scared by Hawlucha's proud presence.

"Oh right!" Ash laughed. "You all haven't met Hawlucha! Say hi, Hawlucha! These are your teammates!" Then he turned back to the other Pokemon. "Make Hawlucha feel at home, ok?"

All of the Pokemon agreed with him and gave Hawlucha a friendly greeting. They were all very interested in the big bird Pokemon. It looked so proud and strong.

Hawlucha said hello back by flexing its wings, but when it looked down, it saw that Clemont's Chespin got up on a smaller rock beside it, trying to do the same pose and show off.


"Pin! Pin pin!"

Everyone laughed at this, and laughed at Hawlucha's confusion. Sierra's Chespin laughed hardly and "ACCIDENTALLY" bumped the other Chespin off, making him land on his face.

"Pin pin!! Ches!!"

"Chespin~ Pin~"

The female Chespin pecks a small kiss on top of the male's head, making it blush.

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