Chapter twenty eight: The Cave of Trials!

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On their way to Shalour city and Ash's next gym battle, our heroes meet Korrina, the Shalour city gym leader and her partner Lucario. Korrina agreed to let our heroes accompany her to Geosenge town to witness Lucario's mega evolution. Now, they've arrived in town to search for the mysterious stone known as Lucarionite.

"So, that's Geosenge town, huh?" Ash said as he caught view of the little town.

"What a cute little town!" Serena commented.

"So we're supposed to find the mega stone here right?" Sierra asked Korrina.

But Korrina didn't answer, she just stood there. Her silence made everyone concerned.


"Are you alright??"

"We're... we're finally..."

"What's wrong??" Bonnie asked her.

"WE'RE FINALLY HERE!! YAYY!!" She sprung up into the air, cheering. She scared everyone out of their wits with her outburst.

Once she landed, she took Lucario's paws, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Were in Geosenge town Lucario!! We're finally here! Aren't you excited??"

"Rawr! Rawr rawr!!" It agreed and jumped along with her.

"We won 100 battles in a row, now it's time. Time for you to mega evolve. Kay, LET'S GO!" She and Lucario immediately bolted past everyone else.

"Whoa!! Hold on Korrina!!" Ash called out, running behind her.

"We're right behind you! Right everyone!"


"Y-y-yeah.." Clemont huffed, trying to run as fast as he can to catch up.

Sierra was by his side, helping him run. "C'mon Clem! Work on your breathing!"

"I'm- I'm trying my best-!" He said, running a little slower.

"I know you are-!" She pecked him on the cheek.
That got him to run a bit faster.

Once they finally made it to the town square, they saw all kinds of shops around town selling a wide variety of stones.

"Korrina, I know you're here for the Lucarionite. But do you know where to find it?"

She kept looking around. "Not a clue."

"But, if you don't know where it is, how are you going to look for it?" Serena asked.

She gave them a goofy grin. "Well, grandfather told me when we come to Geosenge town, we'd figure it out. Not much help, I know.. but my grandfather's really smart!"

Ash groaned. "Figure it out?? Ughh..."

"I guess Ash and Korrina are the types to just jump into things, huh?" Sierra giggles.

"That's why you two get along..!" Bonnie said, which got Serena's attention real fast.

Sierra noticed this, and nudges her.



Serena elbowed her.


Everyone took notice to Sierra's yelp and were confused.

"Hey, what was that for, Serena?" Ash asked.

Serena just giggles. "Uh, heh heh.. nothing! Just an inside joke between Sierra and I..!"

Sierra whispers to her. "Smooooth.."

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