Chapter thirty two: The reigning Forest Champion!

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Continuing on their way to meet up with Korrina, back in Shalour city, the gang have found themselves walking through an open field. They knew it would take a few more days before they hit Shalour city.

"The next town is just through this forest!" Ash said, pointing the other direction. "We should be there in no time! Let's hurry it up!"

Everyone eagerly followed him, Serena especially didn't want to spend the night in the forest. She didn't particularly enjoy camping as much as the others did.

Dedenne, in Bonnie's bag, started jittering ans pointing to something within the forest.

"Hm? What is it, Dedenne?" Bonnie asked, them looked at what it was pointing at.

They saw two little forest Pokemon near a hollowed tree. It was a Sentret and a Patrat. It looked like they were gathering food or something. They saw a Pachirisu jump down from the tree and join them.

"Awww.." Serena smiles. "It looks like the Pokemon here are really good friends."

"You're right about that!" Sierra agrees. "They're so adorable."

"It's so fascinating to watch these Pokemon working together to gather berries from the trees." Said Clemont. "They must be collecting food for the winter."

Ash nodded and kept walking. "Yeah. They must be, so let's let them alone so they can get on with it."

The group agreed and headed off where they were going. But not even after a moment, they heard the very same Pokemon yelping and another cry, a louder one, roaring like it was mad.

"What was that? Was that from the Pokemon we just passed by?"

"Let's go check it out!"

They ran back to check on the Pokemon, they looked down at the tree they were huddled around.. and found a huge Ursaring digging into the hole which they kept the berries. They looked up to find the 3 cowering up in a higher tree.

"What could've happened?" Clemont asked.

Ash pointed at the large Pokemon. "An Ursaring!"

The bear Pokemon stood up, carrying dozens of berries in its claws. The smaller Pokemon try to argue with it to get them back, but Ursaring wasn't intimidated by them at all.

"Hey!" Bonnie shouted. "That Ursaring is trying to steal all of their berries!"

"What an awful thing to do!" Sierra said, angered.

Bonnie rushes down and tries to creep behind Ursaring to get the berries back.

"B-BONNIE NO!" Clemont whisper shouted at her.

Ash followed her. "Don't worry, I'll help!"

The two of them came down and yelled at Ursaring. "You give those berries back to them right now!"

"Ring?" It turns around to look at them.

Ash looked at Pikachu. "Let's help them out, buddy."


But before they could attack Ursaring, something came flying out from the trees, it jumped from branch to branch, then eventually stood high up on the tree that was right under Ursaring.

"Whoa... who is that?" Ash asked, very curious.

"That's a Hawlucha." Clemont told him, getting a good look at it. "It appears to be wearing a mask.."

Hawlucha ripped the mask off of its face and jumped down to face Ursaring. The two eye each other for what it felt like a lifetime.

"Wow. That is an awesome Pokemon.. maybe Hawlucha is going to get the berries back for the other Pokemon!"

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