Chapter thirteen: The meeting of a ninja warrior

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On their way to Cyllage city for Ash's next gym badge, the group took a break nearby a waterfall, where Ash decided it was a good time for some training with Froakie.

"Awesome, Froakie! Keep it up!" Ash cheered as Froakie threw its frubbles at some stones and trees. "I want you to face the rock and use bubble!"

"Kie kie!" It jumped up and spit out bubbles from its mouth, they split the rocks in half.

"Now use water pulse!!"

Froakie jumped onto a tree branch and used its hands to release water from its palms to a boulder up on a high cliff. Ash jumps and pumps his fists in the air. "Yes!"

"Froakie!" It chirped proudly.

Suddenly, a voice pounded against everyone's eardrums. "You still have much work to do.."

Ash turned around to the group. "Hey, was that you, Clemont?"

He shook his head no. "No Ash, I haven't said anything."

Ash tilted his head and looked all around him. "Who said that??"

Froakie focused its eyes on a tall tree in the distance. It noticed that there was something lurking there and threw one of its frubbles at it.

It hit the person that was hiding. "So.. you've found me, eh?" He revealed himself. It was a young man in a ninja outfit with purple hair.

The group was astonished. "Oh wow! A ninja!" Bonnie said.

Ash noticed a figure in the trees, it was a frog like Pokemon that looked a lot like Froakie. "Who's that Pokemon?"

"It's a Frogadier." The boy said. "The evolves form of Froakie." He chuckled. "My name is Sanpei. A young and skillful ninja."

"So.. you're a ninja?" Sierra asked.

"Incredible!" Serena exclaimed.

Ash walked up to Sanpei. "My name is Ash. You've got a great partner there with Frogadier. How about you have a battle with Froakie and me?"

"I've been looking for a suitable opponent for Frogadier to battle against. But... I have my doubts that your Froakie is powerful enough."

"What? We won't know until we try, now will we??"


He crossed his arms. "Alright then, I accept your challenge."

Everyone headed to a good open spot to battle nearby a waterfall, Clemont went between the two trainers. "The one on one battle between Ash and Sanpei is about to begin. The battle will be over when either Pokemon is unable to battle. Is that understood?"

They both nodded. "Yeah!"

"Alright, battle begin!!"

"You may have the first move, Ash." Sanpei said.

"Froakie, use bubble!"

It jumped up and spit out its bubbles at Frogadier. And it immediately dodged it.

"It's so fast!" Sierra commented.

"Well, we can move fast too! Jump to Frogadier and use pound!"

Froakie jumped to the tree branch Frogadier was resting on and was about to slap it.

"Dodge!" Sanpei commanded.

It dodged gracefully and jumped to a higher tree branch.

"Try it again!" Ash said.

When Froakie tried again to use pound, Frogadier dodged and jumped constantly from tree to tree to flee.

"Aim and use water pulse, let's go!"

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