Chapter twenty two: The siren's song

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(this chapter we will be learning much much more about Sierra as a character. this is the reason for her attitude in the beginning of the last chapter. Bear with me please lmao)

The gang decided to stay in the Pokemon center in Cyllage City a few more nights before they headed for Ash's third gym battle in Shalour City. Early in the morning, Sierra stepped out and headed to a nearby lake outside of town. She had a Poke ball in her hand.

Tears flowing from her eyes, she arrived at the lake. Then she sat down in the grass, and began to harmonize. Her singing was gorgeous and it brought out many of the wild Pokemon out to listen. After she ceased, she took her glasses off and held the necklace on her neck. It was a beautiful pendent like necklace. Its core contained a sparkling blue jewel inside, she held it close to her chest.

"After all that's happened back home, what would you think of me now, mother?" She said, her tears kept cascading from her eyes.

The pokeball in her other hand began to wiggle. And then a pokemon popped out from it. Sierra exclaimed in shock, but then held the Pokemon's hand.

"My partner.. I'm sorry.. I'll never stop being sorry for what we've went through against Team Plasma. Please forgive me, Gothorita."

"Goth, goth gothorita!" She protested, she held Sierras hand and smiled at her, reassuring her that what happened in the past was history now. Gothorita pointed out to the lake and chirped. Sierra knew what she wanted to do.

She stood up, looked towards the lake, then began to sing again. Her voice was enchanting, then soon a mist formed around the lake, that's when she stopped. She heard someone's footsteps approaching her.

"Who's there?" She asked.


Serena came from the shadows. "Sierra?"

*gulp* Serena was not supposed to find her.

"What's going on? I woke up and saw you weren't in your bed again. Then I heard someone singing and came out here."

Fennekin sat on her shoulder. "Fenne Fenne."

Sierra stood there, Gothorita next to her. She kept crying. Serena saw this and ran over to her friend to comfort her.

"Is this where you've been disappearing to? Ever since we've arrived in the city, you've been leaving the center each morning. Is there something you're not telling me?"

"Oh Serena... *sniff* I still feel guilty... about everything that's happened!"

"What?? Why?" She asked.

Sierra broke down on the grass and began sobbing. Serena sat down and hugged her.

"Sierra, what happened back in Unova was not your fault. You've got to believe that. And what happened to your mother is not your fault. You couldn't have known what would happen."

"You don't understand-"

"Yes I do! You can't bring yourself down like this! You've got to be strong, that's what your mom would want.. she cared about you. And she still does to this day.. even though she isn't here, I know she can see what's been happening to you.."

Sierra turned away. "But what if she knew that her little girl was a thief and an ally to one of the most treacherous groups in the world... The reason why so many Pokemon were taken from good and caring trainers who loved them.. if she can really see what I've done... she wouldn't... sh-she wouldn't-"


She looked at her.

"You didn't know. And when you found out, you left and never looked back. What they've done, they'll be paying for, not you. That is no longer your battle to fight. You need to look towards the future."

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