Chapter twenty four: To find a fairy flower friend!

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Guys I feel bad for being absent like I was, 🙁here's the next chapter! Enjoy! I'll be writing the next one soon after my exam! The next one is going to be a big one! So stay tuned! ;3

As Ash follows his dream to enter the Kalos league, our heroes continue on their way to Shalour city for his third Kalos gym badge. But first, our heroes have stopped at a peaceful flower field for a short rest.

As the others were sitting by a nearby tree, almost ready to get back on the road, Bonnie was sitting on a nearby rock brushing her hair, and she was struggling to do so.

"OW!" She yelled, trying to straighten her hair. "Why is this so hard??"

Ash stood up putting his backpack on. "Alright, is everyone ready to go?"

"Yep, I'm ready to hit the road!" Sierra smiled.

"Me too!" Serena said. How about you, Clemont?"

"Sure am, Bonnie? How about you?" He asked, calling for her.

She groaned. "No no no! My hair won't behave! And I'm going crazy!" She put her brush down, giving up.

Sierra walked over to her with a smile. "Will you let me give it a try, Bonnie?"

"Oh, sure!"

She handed Sierra her Sentret designed hairbrush. Sierra took it and started brushing her hair.

"Now, why don't we try something different for a change?"

"Huh? Different? What do you-"

Sierra took a hairpin from her bag and put it in Bonnie's hair.

"Ah!" Bonnie saw the pretty flower shaped hairpin in her hair. "It's beautiful!"

"Do you really like it?" Sierra grinned.

Bonnie stood up, twirling around. "It's so cute! I love it!"

"Haha, I'm glad you like it! It's yours to keep!"

"Really??" Bonnie ran and gave her a hug. "Thanks to much, Sierra!"

"Aww, your welcome!"

The breeze went by the flower covered field. nearby, coming up to Bonnie's hairpin was a small, White Pokemon. It landed in the middle of her hairpin.

Bonnie saw it on her mirror and gasped. "Is that a Pokemon??"

"Fla be.."

The boys and Serena went to take the look.

"Whoa, who's that Pokemon?" Ash asked.

Clemont took a good look at the small Pokemon. "Isn't that Pokemon... isn't that a Flabebe?"

"Flabebe?" Asked Serena.

Clemont nodded. "Right, usually, Flabebe choose a big flower in the beginning of its life and takes care of it for the rest of its life. But.. I don't see it holding a flower at all.."

"Not only that, it doesn't look very happy." Commented Serena.

"Maybe it's hungry?" Sierra wondered.

"Can we give it something to eat?"

"Hmmm..." Serena reaches in her bag. "I've got some flower nectar in my bag for poke puffs!"

Clemont then reached in his bag. "Great, here! It might be easiest to use this eye dropper to feed it." He handed it to Serena, who then sucked the nectar up, then gave it to Bonnie.

Bonnie took the eye dropper and held it up to Flabebe's mouth. "Here you go, it's sweet. I'm sure you're going to like it!"

Flabebe noticed it and started to suck the nectar from it, eating it happily.

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