Chapter nineteen: Helpful aquatic training!

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During their journey across the Kalos region, our heroes have visited the Marai coast, before Ash's battle against Grant, at the Cyllage city gym. There was more training to come, but first, time for a delicious lunch!

Ash rose up from the table. "This was great, Clemont. Thanks! Now it's time to train!" He said, pumping his fists in the air. "Let's do some more work on that quick attack and double team so we can be ready for Grant's rock tomb!"

Pikachu and Froakie agreed.

"Pika Pika!"


Serena interrupted and brought out her fishing pole. "But before that, why don't we have a little fun fishing?"

"Oh! That's one of the rods we got at the Ambrette aquarium!"

Serena took her rod and reeled it. "Right! We ARE at the beach, training will only stress Ash out. Am I right?"

Bonnie stood up. "You are right! And maybe one of you guys will catch a really cute Pokemon for me to take care of!"

Sierra smiled. "Right! Like Serena almost did with that Corsola." She giggled.

"Hey! It was my first time trying to catch a Pokemon!" She playfully nudged her and huffed.

Clemont then stood up. "You already have Froakie, Ash. If you catch another water type Pokemon, you'll probably have a much easier time when you go up against Grant!"

"Now you're talking!" Ash got excited. "That's sounds great! Waddya say we get our rods and go fishing!"

"Pika! Chu pi!"

After everyone finished eating, they cleaned everything up and sat down on a nearby rock with their rods in the water.

"I can't wait to see what Pokemon I'll catch!" Serena gushed. "It'll be great!"

"And we'll help you catch it!" Sierra added.

Soon Ash heard some splashing in the water, he also felt his rod pull away. "Hey! I got a bite!" He stood up and tried to reel it in.

Bonnie ran to him to help him. "I'll help! Oh what could it be?! Corsola? Clamperl?? Maybe a Wailord!"

Clemont spit out the water he was drinking. Sierra patter on the back to prevent him from choking.

"Bonnie I d-don't think- *cough cough* it's a Wailord." Sierra only giggled at his statement.

Ash and Bonnie pulled harder and harder. Finally, they pulled it out. It looked like a lonely piece of seaweed.

"Aww. Too bad. It looks like seaweed.." Serena sighed. "Better luck next time."

Clemont looked closer at it. "Wait a minute.. that's not seaweed.. he really caught something!"

Ash took the line and looked at it closely, suddenly the creature's eyes opened and lunges at Ash's face.

"Aaaaaaah! Hey! Hey!!!" Ash yelled, flailing.
Then he pulled the Pokemon off of him. "That hurts! Oh man.."

Bonnie looked at it. "Hey it's hurt! Oh wait.." She pulled a bandage out of her purse and placed it on the Pokémon's head. "There, all better now?"

They all smiled at the little Pokemon in Ash's arms, but it continued to flail around, trying to get back in the water. Then it did jump back in.

"What's this Pokemon's name anyway?" Serena asked curiously.

"It's name is Skrelp. The kelp Pokemon." Clemont explained. "It can camouflage itself near rotten kelp to store its energy until it's ready to evolve. It's quite the loner Pokemon."

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