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*Your POV*

I was shocked. My eyes began to fill with tears. Julian turned to look at me, he was tearing up as well. He rubbed my stomach.

"Y/n, please don't cry." Julian pleaded. I didn't listen. I burst into tears. He just sighed.

"Just say something. Anything." I said. He nodded and turned to Julio.

"Dad, the baby isn't an it. It's a he." He said.

"Then I guess I'm going to be having another son." Julio said. Julian stood up.

"Dad, I'm not letting you raise my son. I can't pretend that I'm his brother when really I'm his father. And y/n isn't going to pretend that she isn't his mother." He said.

"We can take care of him. We will. He will be safe." I said. That's all I could think of. Julio gave me a weird look.

"Y/n, don't be stupid. Everywhere you go, dangerous people are lurking by. He won't be safe. Neither of you can take care of him. You aren't even a couple." He said.

"Don't speak to y/n like that! She isn't stupid! We're both adults, and we can still take care of him even if we aren't together!" Julian yelled. I pulled him down so he was sitting next to me. I wiped his tears away.

"You two aren't adults. You're just kids. I would've discussed this with y/n's parents but that option isn't available. Your mother and I are the only adults in this situation and I think the baby should be taken away." He said. That's it! I've had enough! I stood up.

"I've carried that baby for 8 months in my stomach and I still have one more to go. I've fed him, I've taken him for checkups, I've been to every ultrasound. He's my kid! Whenever there's a divorce or a breakup, it's the mother of the child who gets to keep the baby unless the father has a good reason." I said. Julian pulled me down.

"So, you're saying that you deserve the right to see your child but Julian doesn't?" Julio asked.

"No, what she's saying is that she would get to keep the child and not you. You can't do anything about it, Dad. You aren't one of the parents." Andrea said.

"I can do something about it if I can prove they are unfit parents." Julio said.

"Look, everybody just needs to calm down. Let's just handle this like mature adults. It doesn't even matter about Julian or y/n, the important thing is that the baby is safe." Ryan said.

"He's right." Julian said.

"I think that y/n and Julian should get to keep the baby. It's their kid! They're capable of taking care of a kid, they've taken care of themselves and each other." Jovani said. I smiled at him, he smiled back. Julio sighed.

"This is the deal. You two will have the baby and as soon as he's born, you have a week to show me you can take care of him. If I think you're good parents, you can keep him. If I think you could do better, I'll take him." Julio said.

"Fine, deal." Julian said. I nodded.

"Are you two going to get back together, then?" Gloria asked. Julian and I looked at each other. I took his hand and smiled.

"I'm not really sure about that. Just know that I'd never stop Julian from seeing him and the baby can always stay over with him whenever he likes." I said.

"Well, as long as you both think you're doing the right thing then we're happy. Just do what you think would be best for the baby." Ryan said. Julian and I nodded. I stood up.

"Where are you going?" Gloria asked.

"Home. It's late and I want to buy some things for the baby tomorrow." I said.

"You haven't bought anything for the baby yet? You're so far along!" Jovani said.

"I know but Jennis wouldn't let me leave and once I was admitted to that mental hospital, I couldn't go until the doctor's believed that I was ok." I said.

"You poor thing. I guess you should get going, then." Andrea said. I nodded.

"I'll come with you." Julian said, as he stood up.

"Julian, it's ok, I can survive a night by myself." I said.

"I know but anything could happen. Your water might break tonight. Plus, I want to go baby shopping tomorrow." He said. I smiled.

"Ok, let's go." I said. We left the house and got into Julian's car. He drove me home.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this part! Love you ❤️

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