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*Still Your POV*

All I wanted was to sleep without ever waking up. But, today, I was woken by the sound of my dreaded alarm. This alarm wasn't just any alarm, it was the alarm on the day that Ethan had to go in for surgery.

I turned off my alarm and got out of bed. Julian was still asleep so I tiptoed out of the room, trying my hardest not to wake him.

I went into Ethan's room and walked up to his crib. He was sleeping with his arms wrapped around my teddy bear, it was the sweetest thing I'd ever seen.

I reached into the crib and picked him up. I gently cradled him in my arms as I tried to hold back my tears. He was so peaceful.

"Good morning, baby. I'm sorry for not coming to you for the past few days. I was being selfish, I shouldn't have done that. You mean so much to me, I don't know what I was doing. But today, I'm putting everything on hold, just for you. Because you deserve the world, and I'm just not able to give you that." I whispered.

His eyes opened, revealing those two beautiful balls of blue, just like his daddy's. I smiled. His lips curled, it was almost as though he was trying to smile back.

I heard footsteps and turned around. It was Julian. He was standing, leaning against the doorframe. He was smiling at Ethan and I.

"You heard what I said, didn't you?" I asked, sheepishly. He nodded and got a little closer to me.

"You're wrong, y/n. You've done the best you possibly could for Ethan, you've given him the world. Now, it's just time for us to see if the world is going to give back to him." Julian said. I didn't respond.

"I know today's going to be a hard day for us, but we just need to support each other. If we lose Ethan, that's going to break my heart. I can't lose you as well." He said. I nodded.

"I just wish this didn't have to happen. Out of all the people in this world, the bad things happen to us." I said. Julian placed a hand on my back and gently rubbed circles.

"Maybe these bad things are blessings in disguise. Whatever happens, it will happen for a reason. And if he does go, he will be safe in God's arms." He said. I sighed.

I stood up and Julian hugged Ethan and I. We didn't let go until Ethan began to cry. I gently cradled him until he was calm again.

"Y/n, it's time to go." Julian said. I nodded.

He took Ethan out of my arms to strap him into his car seat. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

I went back into the bedroom and got changed into a pair of blue jeans, a white T-Shirt, one of Julian's black hoodies, a pair of ankle socks and my Adidas Superstars.

I didn't apply any makeup but I brushed out my hair and threw my hair up into a ponytail. I went into the living room where Julian was waiting with Ethan.

Without saying anything, Julian and I went to the car. I strapped Ethan in and Julian and I both got into the front seat.

Julian began to drive. We eventually arrived at the hospital. Julian and I got out of the car. I took Ethan from the back seat and we all went into the hospital.

We went up to the front desk and the receptionist told us to wait in that dreaded waiting room. Julian and I sat down, we took Ethan out of the car seat and played with him for a while.

"We love you, Ethan. Don't ever forget that." Julian said, as he kissed Ethan's forehead. He handed Ethan to me. I was in bits.

"I love you so much, Ethan. I don't ever want to let go of you. Hang in there, baby. Stay strong, you're my little fighter." I whispered.

I heard footsteps. It was a nurse. She came into the waiting room and had a look at all of the patients who were waiting, just like us.

"Ethan Julian Jara, please." The nurse said.

Julian and I exchanged terrified glances. We both cuddled Ethan one last time. We stood up and took Ethan to the nurse. I was crying so badly that I couldn't even talk.

"I understand this is a difficult time for the both of you, but he needs to go in for surgery." The nurse said. Julian sniffled.

"Is there any chance that we can go into the room with him? We'll leave when the surgery is about to start." Julian said. The nurse sighed.

"If you must." The nurse said.

The nurse began to walk. Julian and I followed her, Ethan was laying in my arms, staring up at me as I cried. We finally reached the room.

We went in and the doctors showed us around the room. They told us what was going to happen in the surgery and gave us some more information.

I put Ethan down on the operating table and watched him being changed into an infant hospital gown. He was still awake. He was scared.

It was time for Julian and I to leave. As soon as we had left the room, that's when all the noise began.

The noise wasn't from the surgery. It was from Ethan. He had noticed we'd gone, he was in a room with complete strangers. He was screaming.

"Julian..." I said, softly. He wrapped an arm around me.

"We can't go back in there. We have to leave, y/n. As much as I want to stop him from crying, the doctors have a job to do." Julian whispered, before bursting into tears.

We went back into the waiting room. I was comforting Julian for a little while until the same nurse we saw earlier burst into the waiting room.

"You! You two! Come here! Now!" The nurse said, as she pointed at Julian and I. We stood up and went over to her.

"Is everything ok?" Julian asked.

"Your son won't stop screaming. Every time the doctors try to put him to sleep, he starts moving his head away from the machines and waving his arms about." The nurse said.

Julian and I exchanged glances of sadness. Ethan is not ok. He's scared. He's confused. He's in pain. He's angry. He's too young for all of this.

"What are we supposed to do about it? We were told that as soon as he was in that hospital gown, we had to leave." I said.

"Well, this is a one time thing. You need to go back in there and calm your son. It's obvious that he just wants his mommy or his daddy. Come on, now. The doctors don't have all day." The nurse said.

We followed the nurse around the hospital until we found ourselves outside Ethan's room. Again. Ethan was still screaming.

We went into the room. We didn't know that to do. All the doctors told us to get closer to Ethan. As soon as we were standing over him, he stopped the screaming.

Julian lifted Ethan up and into his arms. His little eyes were full of fear, his entire body was shaking. I never knew babies could be this shaken up about anything.

"Shh. It's ok, Daddy's here." Julian said, as he gently bobbed Ethan up and down. Ethan wrapped his little arms around Julian's neck and rested his tiny head on Julian's shoulder.

A doctor came over to us. He had a huge smile on his face, I don't know why. I was far from happy at that point in time.

"Thank you so much for calming him down. We just need you two to get him to fall asleep so we can get him to inhale the gas." The doctor said.

Ethan was now asleep in Julian's arms. Julian kissed Ethan's forehead and he tried to put Ethan down on the bed, but his arms were stuck to Julian's neck.

Julian detached himself from Ethan and placed him on the bed. We watched the doctors put the breathing mask on Ethan. That's when we had to leave.

And that was the most heartbreaking moment I'd ever experienced as a mom. As a human.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this part, I know it was sad. Love you ❤️

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