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*Julian's POV*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I groaned and switched off my phone. I looked to my right, y/n was sleeping like a baby beside me. It's only a matter of time until we have a baby of our own in our arms.

I slowly got up and out of bed. Wrong move. It woke up y/n. She rubbed her eyes and sat up.

"You're up early." Y/n said, yawning. I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Sorry for waking you up." I said. She shook her head.

"It's ok. You're not the reason I woke up. Since last night, my stomach pains have gotten worse." She said. My face filled with concern as I gently rubbed her stomach.

"Baby, I'm so sorry." I said. She smiled at me.

"It's not your fault, Julian." She said. I shook my head.

"Yes, it is. You wouldn't be in pain if I just controlled myself and didn't bring out the alcohol that night." I said. Her face filled with sadness.

"Julian, why would you say that?" She asked, her voice cracked. It was clear that she was upset. I wrapped an arm around her.

"I didn't mean to upset you." I said. She pushed my arm away from her and gave me a look of sadness.

"Well, congratulations, Jara! You did! You shouldn't say that kind of stuff, I'm carrying your baby. This is a blessing, not a curse. After everything your dad said last night and then you come to me with all this bullshit!" She yelled.

My eyes widened. The last time she lost it like this, she wasn't pregnant. I'm a screw up. I tried to say something, but that frown wouldn't turn upside down.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. I just felt bad, ok. I don't hate the fact that you're pregnant and I can't wait for the baby to come. He's going to be so lucky to have you as his mom." I said.

She cracked a smile. I did it. I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a big cuddle.

"See? You can never stay mad at me." I said. She giggled and gazed into my eyes.

"How can I stay mad at you when you have those gorgeous eyes and that flawless smile?" She said, before giving my lips a peck.

*Your POV*

Julian and I spent the day lazing about. We watched the first seasons of Stranger Things, Riverdale and 13 Reasons Why over and over again.

The sun went down, the stars came up. Julian and I were getting ready for bed. He was laying down, I slipped one of his hoodies over myself before going to the bathroom to sort myself out. That's when it happened.

I screamed at the top of my lungs. That alarmed Julian. He got out of bed and came running towards me, concerned that something happened to me or the baby.

"Y/n, are you ok?" Julian asked. He stopped when he saw my state and his eyes widened.

"Julian, my water broke! We need to get to the hospital! Now!" I yelled. He nodded.

"I'll get the car ready, just get some shoes on." He said, rushing out of the room. I slipped on some shoes and went downstairs. Julian helped me into the car and began to drive to the hospital.


We arrived at the hospital and hurried into the reception. Julian went up to the front desk and yelled for someone to come to us.

"Good evening, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked.

"My girlfriend is in labour. Her name is y/n y/l/n." Julian said.

"Room 47. The doctors are waiting for you." The receptionist said. We hurried to the room and I changed into a hospital gown. They didn't let me wear Julian's hoodie.

"Ma'am, you're going to need to take that off." The nurse said, pointing to my ring.

"I'm sorry, but I can't take this ring off." I said, as I winced in pain from the labour contractions.

"Is it an engagement or wedding ring?" The nurse asked.

"No." I said. She smirked at me.

"Then you don't need to keep it off." She said. I sighed and slipped the ring off my finger. Julian hurried into the room and came to my side.

"Baby, I got the car seat ready and all of the rest of the stuff ready." Julian said, kissing my forehead. I nodded and placed the ring in his hand.

"Julian, I know I promised I'd never take it off but the nurse made me." I said. He kissed my hand and slipped the ring into his pocket.

"Y/n, it's ok. As long as you and the baby are safe." He said, pecking my lips. A doctor came into the room.

"Hey, Doc, do you know when she'll be ready to start pushing?" He asked. The doctor turned and looked at us with a disappointed face.

"I'm afraid she'll be here for a few days. The baby is only 1 centimetre dilated, he needs to be at least 10 for the labour to start." The doctor said. I sighed. A tear made its way out of my eye and down my face. Julian cuffed my cheek and used him thumb to wipe my tear away.

"Y/n, it's going to be ok. Doc, can't she have some medicine or something for the pain?" Julian asked.

"We can give her pitocin but she's going to have to have it through arm injections." The doctor said. I shook my head.

"No, please! I don't want drugs! Julian! Stop them!" I yelled out. It was no use.

They hooked up a machine to me and the pitocin started kicking in. The pain began to stop. I was able to sleep!

Hey guys! Woah, the baby is about to arrive! Do you think it'll all be ok? I hope you enjoyed this part! Love you ❤️

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