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*Still Your POV*

You want to know what the worst feeling in the world is? Being woken up from a peaceful sleep by contractions. That's right, the pitocin wore off and I opened my eyes. Julian was next to me, holding my hand.

"Why did you let them do that to me? Why would you let them drug me?" I asked. He sighed.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. I saw how much pain you were in, I just didn't want to see you in so much agony. I know you're mad at me, I just didn't want you to feel too much." Julian said. I smiled at him and wrapped both my hands around his. He smiled back at me.

"Don't worry about it. How dilated am I now?" I asked. His smile faded.

"The position has barely changed. You're only dilated by 3 centimetres, 7 more to go and then you can leave." He said. I groaned.

"Ugh! I was asleep for 6 hours! Two fucking centimetres? Are you fucking kidding me?" I yelled. He gently stroked my arm.

"Ssh. I'm sure there are other ways that we can bring the birth forward. I can ask the doctor if you want me to." He said. I nodded.

"Please." I said. He got up.

"I'll be back in a few." He said, kissing my head. He left the room.

There was a remote next to my bedside. I picked it up and pointed it at the screen. It was showing how dilated I was. I pressed a button and the screen changed. It was showing an ultrasound of the baby.

"Aww!" I said, out loud. His adorable little feet were kicking the space around him. He looked so peaceful, he'll hate it when he's brought into this world 😂

Julian came back into the hospital room with a doctor following closely behind him. They both came to my side. Julian squeezed my hand again.

"So, your husband here tells me that you want to bring the birth forward." The doctor said. Julian and I smiled at each other. Husband.

"Yes. Is there any way that I can give birth in the next 24 hours?" I asked. He had a stressed expression on his face.

"There is a chance, but we don't have many staff available on hand. You'll only have me and a midwife, nobody else. A nearby hospital went on strike and now we have to operate on 50 new patients." The doctor said. I nodded.

"How can we bring the birth forward, then?" I asked.

"There are two ways, both natural. You can just wait until you're 10 centimetres dilated. However, if you'd like to pick a different option, we can unhook you from all these machines and have you gently bounce on a work out ball so the baby can drop." The doctor said.

"Could we take option 2, please?" Julian asked. The doctor nodded and a nurse came in with a workout ball. I was unhooked from the machines and helped out of bed. I sat on the workout ball and bobbed up and down on it.

"You ok?" Julian asked, as I winced in pain for the third time.

"Yeah. I just want him in my arms. I hate the pain. I just want to cuddle him and kiss him." I said, as I carried on with the bouncing. (I know it sounds really wrong but just try to carry on reading 😂😂)

"So do I. But if this method is too painful, we can just go back to waiting for the full dilation." He said. I shook my head.

"No. This option is working better. I can feel him dropping." I said. He smiled.

"I can see him dropping too." He said. I continued to bounce on the ball for a few more minutes until I felt a sharp, stabbing pain. Sharper than the rest of the pains I'd had that day.

"Julian! I'm having a contraction!" I yelled out. He helped me back onto the bed and a nurse came to my side. The nurse hooked me up to the machine and began to measure my contractions.

"Will she be able to start pushing?" Julian asked.

"The workout ball has helped to drop the baby but the contractions need to be closer together in order for the labour procedure to begin." The nurse said. I sighed as I winced in pain. Julian squeezed my hand and kissed my forehead. He leaned down so his lips were in line with my ear.

"If the pain gets too bad, just squeeze the fuck out of my hand." Julian whispered. I let out a faint laugh.

"Is there an alternative?" Julian asked.

"We can perform a C-section if you'd like to." The nurse said. I shook my head.

"No, we'd like a natural birth." Julian said. The nurse nodded and came to my side.

"I guess you're just going to have to wait until the contractions are close enough." The nurse said.

I was laying in that bed for hours. More and more contractions kept coming. The pain was unbearable. I started to bite myself on the arm in hopes of the pain transferring to my arm instead of my stomach.

I was wrong. I just made my arm hurt. I was starting to feel lightheaded after a while and I began to uncontrollably throw up over and over again. I had several buckets around me, Julian was by my side the whole time.

Because I had been sick so many times, everything I'd eaten in the past 2 days just came back up. I got really hungry but when I asked the doctors if I could eat, they said I couldn't because the labour was about to start.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this part! Love you ❤️

Between You And I 💍 - Julian Jara Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now