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*Julian's POV*

I was shocked. The whole time she was with Alex, she was thinking of me. She wanted me. She loved me. It meant so much to me, but I couldn't show it. It's still too soon.

"I just wish things weren't so messed up." Y/n said.

"How do you mean?" I asked. She let out a huge sigh.

"First of all, Jennis and her minions won't leave us alone. Ethan got kidnapped, we broke up, Cat hates me and Alex died. Everywhere I go, bad luck follows me." She said. I kissed her forehead.

"One day, it will stop. I promise." I said. She gave me one of those looks.

"Yeah, one day. When I'm dead!" She replied, frustration in her voice.

"It's going to be difficult, trust me, I've gone through most of it with you. But, we will get through this. It's going to take some time to heal, but it will be ok." I said. She looked up at me and smiled.

"I don't know where I'd be without you, Julian." She said. I kissed her cheek. We both drifted off to sleep.

*Jovani's POV*

Ethan woke up and his diaper didn't smell very pleasant 😂. I picked him up and carried him to Julian's room so Julian could change Ethan.

I reached the door and opened it. I was about to tell Julian that Ethan needed a diaper change, but I kept my mouth shut.

Y/n and Julian were asleep in Julian's bed, their arms were wrapped around each other. I smiled. They looked so happy together. I think it's time that I have y/n the letter.

I went back into my room and changed Ethan's diaper. It was a tough job, but I somehow got it done 😂. I rocked Ethan back to sleep and placed him on my bed.

I tucked him in and went over to my chest of drawers. I opened each drawer and dug around, hoping I would find the letter. And, sure enough, I did.

I took it out and placed it in an envelope. I knew I couldn't just give the letter to y/n without letting her know where it came from. I grabbed a pen and began to write.

As soon as I had finished writing, I put my pen down and closed the envelope. I picked up the letter and took it to Julian's room.

I opened the door and tiptoed over to the bed, trying my hardest not to wake Julian or y/n. I was successful. I placed the envelope on the table, next to y/n, and crept back out of the room.

I smiled to myself. What was about to happen was going to change their lives for the better. After all, it's the answer that they never got.

And they never knew it existed. But, it did, and it was placed in my hands. I think I used it in the right way. I can't wait to see how it all turns out.

*Your POV*

I woke up this morning with Julian's arms wrapped around me. I smiled at him, he looked so adorable when he was asleep.

No! I can't think like this! I'm still in love with Alex! But, my feelings for Julian never went away. Neither did my feelings for Alex. Oh, this is such a mess!

I untangled myself from Julian's arms and as I was getting out of bed, something fell onto the floor. It was an envelope.

I picked it up and looked at it. It said my name on it. Along with an entire paragraph filled with some sort of apology. Ugh, I'll stop rambling on and show you what it said.


Before you open the letter and read what it says, I need to tell you why I had it and why I kept it from you.

When we were on our way to get Ethan, we stopped over at a gas station. Alex and I got out and went in to pay for the gas and get snacks.

Alex gave me this envelope. He told me what was inside of it, and he told me to give it to you when I felt you needed it the most.

And, now, it's that time. I want you to open this letter and think hard about your next decision. It's going to have an impact on you, Julian and Ethan.

All I can say now is that I wish you all every success in life and I'm sorry for keeping this from you. I love you.


Without hesitation, I opened the letter, trying my hardest not to ruin the envelope. Who knows, maybe this won't be the only time that I read this letter.

I unfolded the paper and flattened it out. I looked back at Julian, he was still sound asleep. I sighed and looked back at the letter. I began to read.

Dear Y/n,

I know that it's stupid that I'm writing this letter because I could've easily just spoken to you. I just never really had the balls to come up to you and say this to your face because I didn't know how things would end up.

The whole time we were together, I knew that you still had feelings for Julian as well as myself. And, honestly, I'm not mad at you, I never would be.

Julian was always a great guy. He makes you so happy and he treats you well. You have a fucking kid with him, for God's sake!

Anyways, I guess the reason I'm writing this letter is because I'm too scared to tell you that I want you to break up with me so that you and Julian can be together.

I miss seeing how happy the two of you are together, and I know that I could never make you that happy, no matter how hard I try.

I love you, y/n, and I always will, but I want you to be with Julian. I don't want you to have to live your life knowing that you couldn't spend it with the boy of your dreams.

I'm always going to love you, and I hope you take this well.


Hey guys! Thank you so much for over 880 views and 155 votes on this new book! I hope you enjoyed this part! Love you ❤️

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