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*Your POV*

I woke up to Julian's arms wrapped tightly around me. I smiled at his sleeping face, he's adorable when he's asleep, I know I've mentioned it before.

I tried to get out of his grasp, but it was no use. He woke up and pulled me back down again. I chuckled and leaned down to kiss his forehead.

"Good morning, sleepy head." I whispered. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Morning. Feeling any better after yesterday?" Julian asked. My smile faded.

"Not really." I replied. He wrapped an arm around me.

"What's up, baby?" Julian asked, pecking my cheek. I sighed.

"Cat promised she would stop causing so much trouble, but I already know that she's going to come back soon and mess everything up again." I said. He hesitated before responding to me.

"Actually, y/n, there's something I have to tell you." Julian said. I turned to face him, interest in my eyes.

"What is it?" I asked. He let out a breath which he seemed to have been holding in for quite a while.

"Last night, whilst you were asleep, Cat was texting me." Julian said. My blood began to boil, but I tried my hardest not to scream. I simply nodded.

"What did she say?" I asked, in a firm voice.

"She was telling me that she was sorry for everything she did and she told me that Jonas didn't take her back. I got mad at her and she asked me for help. I told her to leave Florida and to find someone else who loves her the way she loved Jonas." Julian said.

My eyes widened with shock. I had no idea that Cat was willing to leave Florida. On one hand, I felt really sad. Yeah, we went through ups and downs, but Cat was my best friend.

On the other hand, she needed to leave. Her being here wasn't helping in any way, shape or form. Julian's right, if she leaves then she might be able to find someone who does love her.

"Earth to y/n." Julian said, as he waved a hand in my face. I snapped back to reality, he lightly chuckled.

"You ok?" Julian asked. I nodded.

"I guess I just have to get used to Cat not being here." I said. He pulled me into a hug.

"Hey, it's going to be ok. It's for the best, she needed to leave, she wasn't getting anywhere in Florida." He said. I nodded and smiled.

From a couple rooms away, Ethan was screaming. Julian and I both looked at each other in shock and we ran over to Ethan's room.

We sighed with relief when we saw that Ethan was in his crib, but we couldn't stop him from screaming. I was cradling him, Julian was waving toys in his face, but nothing was working.

"Aww, what's wrong, baby?" I asked Ethan, as I bounced up and down with him in my arms. Julian wiped away some of his tears and Ethan coughed. He didn't respond, he just pointed at the window.

The window. The open window. A cold breeze filled the room. A small piece of paper was placed on the window sill. I grabbed it before the wind blew it out.

I passed Ethan to Julian and I looked down at the piece of paper. I was scared. I don't know why, it could've been a shopping list for all I know.

I looked back at Julian, who shifted Ethan onto his hip. He walked towards me and wrapped one arm around my waist, the other tightly secured around Ethan.

"Babe, it's ok, just read it." Julian said. I nodded and unfolded the piece of paper.

Dear Julian and Y/n,

  As you can see, we've made another move. If it wasn't for your irritating son, we would've gotten away with our plan.

  We have yet another new recruit. We won't reveal their identity, so, if you want to know so badly, come and find us. We're waiting.

  And, we have some things of yours. Since we couldn't grab your precious little son, we took some other things as well.


  Jennis, Alfie, Alessia, Alicia, Leone and Anonymous

I dropped the piece of paper. My heart stopped. I was so busy getting caught up with my own problems with Cat that I nearly got my own son kidnapped!

"This can't be happening!" I said, my voice broke. Julian pulled me into a hug.

"Y/n, it's going to be ok, trust me." Julian said. I wanted to believe him, but I knew I couldn't. Everywhere I go, those fucking idiots follow me.

"But, it won't be. I want Ethan to be safe, I don't even care about myself anymore. I want it all to stop." I said. Ethan grabbed onto my arm and somewhat cuddled it.

"Mommy, don't cry." Ethan said, as he looked up at me with his puppy dog eyes. I smiled and wiped my tears away.

"See? Now, stop crying. Ethan hates seeing you like this and so do I. Y/n, it's going to be ok. We'll get my parents to look after Ethan while we go to them with Ryan, Andrea and Jovani." Julian said. I nodded.

"It's going to be ok"

Julian's words kept replaying through my mind, over and over again. It's like when you find a new song that you love and all you want to do is listen to it.

As much as I wanted to believe Julian's words, I just couldn't. And when I was finally warming up to the idea that it all might be ok, the noise happened.

That dreaded noise. It happened so sudden, but at the same time it was like it was scripted. This was a noise that I never expected to here in my life.

Gloria... was screaming.

Julian and I ran over to her room and as soon as we saw her, we cuddled her. We had no idea why she was so upset, but we knew we had to comfort her.

"What's wrong, Mom?" Julian asked, softly. She was choking on her tears, I wiped them away.

"All my mementos are gone. My photos, my wedding jewellery, my wedding dress, the bracelets you all had when you were born in the hospital, my money! Everything!" Gloria squealed.

Hey guys! You didn't really think the Quads would go away that easily, did you? They stole pretty much everything from Julian's mom. Will you get it back in time? Will you all survive? Are the Quads still on the loose? Find out in the next part! I hope you enjoyed this part! Love you ❤️

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