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*Still Your POV*

I woke up to the light of a laptop. That laptop belonged to Julian. He was sitting up, working on something with his headphones over his ears. I smiled at how cute and concentrated he was. I kissed his hand.

"Morning, baby. How was your sleep?" Julian asked, pausing what he was doing and removing the headphones from his ears.

"It was good. What are you working on?" I asked, shifting my head onto his lap.

"Another DJ mix. The usual." He said.

"I thought you and Jovani worked on them together." I replied. He sighed.

"We did. But, when you were taken away, I couldn't focus on anything. Jovani was the one recording the YouTube videos, making the musical.lys and creating the DJ mixes. I'm just catching up on what I missed." He said. I nodded.

"Have you ever thought about maybe going solo?" I asked.

"A couple times, actually. Jovani and I haven't really talked about it that much, he doesn't really like to talk about that kind of stuff." He said. I was a little confused.

"Why not?" I asked. Julian sighed.

"I'm not trying to sound mean or anything, but I'm more popular than him. I've got more followers than him but he doesn't like that because he puts in more work. He thinks I'm using him or something." He said.

"That's not true. Show me what you've just been working on." I said. He handed me the headphones and let me listen to his remix. It was amazing. He is so talented.

"Julian, this is awesome. You're going to be so successful, baby." I said. He smiled.

"Thanks, beautiful. Come on, we need to get ready. We have an appointment today." He said. My eyes widened.

"Oh, shit! I completely forgot!" I said. He laughed. I got out of bed and threw on one of Julian's hoodies over my pyjamas. Julian was already dressed.

"Wait, you're wearing that?" Julian asked.

"Julian, I'm pregnant. Comfort over clothes." I said. He chuckled.

"This is why I love you. Come on, let's go." He said. We left the house and got into Julian's car. He drove to the hospital and once we arrived, we had our appointment.

The baby is healthy, he's showing signs of labour. I'll be expecting him in a few days and I honestly can't wait!


We had just arrived home from the hospital and I unlocked the front door. Julian and I walked into the house only to find ourselves face to face with Jovani. My eyes widened.

"Jovani? How did you get in here?" I asked. Jovani stood up and looked at Julian and I.

"I know where you keep the spare key." Jovani replied, holding up my spare house key. It glistened in the light.

Julian walked up to Jovani and grabbed the key out of his hand, slipping it in his back pocket. He clenched his fist.

"Jovani. Get out." Julian said. Jovani folded his arms and smirked.

"No. I'm sick and tired of you pushing me around. Just because you're older doesn't mean you're better than me." Jovani said. Julian sighed.

"I never said I was better than you. I don't push you around, I'm barely ever there anymore!" Julian said.

"That's the point, Julian. Whilst you still lived with us, you barely did anything and now you think you're so important just because you got a girl pregnant." Jovani said. I stepped in between the both of them.

"Boys, stop. This isn't going to resolve anything." I said. They both glared at me.

"Y/n, just stay out of this." Julian said.

"It's got nothing to do with you." Jovani said. I sighed and sat down.

"Why are you so against me wanting to be independent?" Julian asked. Jovani sighed.

"Because you practically used me. You used me for fame and followers. You didn't film any videos or come up with any new remix ideas. You just took 99goonsquad all for yourself." Jovani said. Julian's eyes turned green, he was angry.

"Jovani, that's not true. I filmed so many videos, I came up with so many ideas, I helped you too! I don't think that's the reason why you don't want me to be independent." Julian said.

"Fine. You want the truth? I'll give you the truth. I'm jealous, alright? I miss you, bro. I feel like I'm slowly moving away from you. And it's not because of y/n or the baby, it's because we're both growing up and changing. I don't like it." Jovani said. Julian sighed.

"Jovani, we're all going to grow up. Everything's going to change. One day, we won't ever be walking this earth anymore. But that doesn't mean that you can't explore things for yourself." Julian said. Jovani sat down.

"Julian, I just don't understand. Why do you want to be independent? What is so bad about us being a two?" Jovani asked. Julian sighed and sat down.

"Jovani, there's nothing bad about it. I love being a part of 99goonsquad and it's not going to end. It's just, the DJing. We both love doing it, but we both have different ideas of what we want to do. I don't want to drag you down with everything I want to do, I don't want you to be laying there and feeling useless or left out. I want you to make money for yourself and buy something with it. We both need to just spend some time apart. I love you, and I always will. We're twins. But, our lives are beginning to change. You're getting all these new opportunities and I'm about to have a kid in a few days. I can't be asking you for money to support my kid and you can't be asking me for money to support your business. It's for the best." Julian said.

Jovani stood up, so did Julian. They hugged, right in front of me. It was one of the sweetest things I've seen in a while. They both pulled away.

"You're right. I need to start fending for myself, I can't depend on you forever. I just hope that everything works out for you, Julian. I'm proud of you, bro, and I can't wait to meet my nephew. Just, don't screw shit up. Make sure it's all perfect. And do the best for y/n and your son." Jovani said.


Jovani ended up staying over for dinner. It was quite nice, actually. It's been a long time since I've been able to properly talk to Jovani and I hope it will happen some time soon.

Eventually, the night came to an end and we had to say goodbye to Jovani. As soon as he left, I turned and smiled at Julian.

"That was really sweet." I said, cuffing his cheek. He chuckled.

"I'm glad that he understands why I'm doing this." Julian replied, wrapping an arm around me.

"He's your twin brother, obviously he'd understand. It was going to happen one day." I said.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this part! Love you ❤️

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