Chapter 1

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Halaal Love

This book is FICTIONAL and COMPLETELY from my MIND. Anything similar is merely a coincidence. If you have a problem with it, then deal with it yourself. Don't ruin other's life by accusing them of plagiarism because I don't play cheats.

This book has not been revised. No edits have been made. So grammatical mistakes and tiny mistakes should be expected and if you have some kind of allergy with it, then don't read :) You HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Chapter One

Habibah's POV

It is the day of one of my friends' marriage. I am a bit upset to know that we will not be able to spend hours talking on the phone, chit-chatting about life and our sorrows.

Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah), I am studying psychology and I have a part-time online study course about Arabic and Islamic history. Well, I am not a very smart girl, nor do I consider myself as pretty low. I do have some rough times in studying, but other than that, University is my entertainment.

As what I have expected, Soffy's wedding is luxurious and extravagant. It is pretty amazing how they have a whole three floor building for the wedding. Not that I really care, but I think it's a bit waste of money. Either way, I have no right to judge. Indeed, it is all their choice to have what kind of marriage. And I am surely happy for my friend.

"Assalamualaikum (May peace be upon you). Congratulations Soffy!"I told, hugging her tightly. We both are on the verge of tears as she tries to enlighten the environment.

"When will you have this moment in your life?"My heart sinks. I'm not fully offend by her words, but nor am I okay with it. I know, I have been refusing all sort of interests on men and have been pretty negligible of men's interest upon me too. I am not rushing to throw off my single status, but I dream, too, of having a perfect relationship as husband and wife the same way as my friends do.

"I don't know. I'm too special."I laugh sarcastically. Thankfully she understand it is just a sarcastic remark. I do not mean at all as a brag.

"Yeah yeah. I pray the best for you. Do invite me if you get married soon, okay?"She adds a wink at the end, before I laugh lightly. Allah, how longer will these jokes stay?

"Yes yes. Definitely you will be welcomed."I smile. I eventually end our conversation with Salaam and walk away soon after she replies my Salaam (Muslim greetings).

I'm about to get out of the building when I meet Soffy's mom. We are pretty near since I usually spend weekends on her house. Not for a sleepover, but just for some girl chats.

"Habibah, dear! Why don't you eat first? Why in a rush? Come on! We have plenty of foods."She holds my back, pulling me towards the food section. Awkward, I say to myself. "So there are loads of menus. There are plenty of them too! So eat as much as you want!"

I am about to reject her invitation, preparing an excuse, when she says that there is nothing better than seeing me eat. Sure, I always eat foods happily and cherish the time when it comes to eating, since that is ine of the times when we feel Allah's love for us. But I just do not feel good this day. Either way, I do what she wants me to do. Although the portion of the food is not my full portion, but I just want to make her happy. She is like a mother, third mother - after my mum, and Mother Hawa (Eve RA).

Sometimes, people question me about why I always mention Mother Hawa (RA) as a mother to me. I mean, she's from where the generations roll down until ours. It only started from her and Adam (AS), definitely their kids as well. But, do you see my point? I mean they are where our great great great great *inserts infinity great* grandparents came from, our grandparents, our parents and us. Without them, I don't think anyone's able to enjoy this earth.

By the time I arrive at home, my mum and dad are all curled in the living room. Dad, as usual, being his self, stays in front of his laptop, doing his 'work'. While mum, definitely she is on for some new espisodes of her favourite drama. Sigh... My family needs to know about the outer world. And I admit, I myself am not a really outgoing and good at socializing with people. Especially since the time that my family and I moved in to the Middle East, from the Southeast Asia region, where I was born at.

"Assalamualaikum (May peace be upon you) mum, dad. Where are Hanaya and Hanifah? And Yaqub and Yusuf?"I question to the both. Hanaya and Hanifah are my twin younger sisters. They have a three year old gap with me, but they act like a lot more younger than their age. No doubt; that is what people nowadays are like. Immature. Well, personally I don't think I am a mature person but I have my times too. Actually, I would love to be able to have the rest of my life paid all by myself or can also be simply known as independent.

Yaqub and Yusuf are also twins. I sometimes feel jealous because I don't have a twin, but I am already thankful to have two sets of twin siblings. I'm just stuck in between twinnies. And it is not cool because when I pull pranks on them, I always lose - but when they do, they always win. Ofcourse! They have two people - or maybe four, working on with them. And me? I only have myself.

"They are in the basement. Be careful, I think they want to prank you."My mum replies, as I roll my eyes. What again? Pranks? Uh!

"Geez. Those quadruplets need some ice in their clothes. Let's see who wins this prank."I say to myself particularly and smirk to myself, knowing what plans I have in my mind for those sweet people (sarcasm).

(Assalamualaikum... Note down that this story is fictional, so in case there is any similarity in name, idea or place, it is merely coincidential. I have no issue on copying others, and these are all pure from my mind. And if you do have a problem with that, tell me. Don't assume or accuse or even dare to comment abusive or negative words, because they will be deleted automatically. Try this method called asking.

There might be some arabic words, don't know if it is Qatari or maybe the real Arabic, it is what I use in my Arabic class. The translations of the words that people do not understand will be translated at the end of the chapters or even beside it. So...That's all what I want to say :) Thank You)

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