↳ you catch more flies with honey than vinegar

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Rolling her eyes, (Y/N) slides out of her booth at Pop's and heads for the door, tired of yet another one of Reggie's attempts of pursuing her.

"Hey wait up!" he calls, rushing out of his seat to follow her. (Y/N) had made it out of the diner and Reggie had to jog a few steps to catch up with her. "Please," he says, reaching out to gently grasp her arm.

She releases a frustrated groan and yanks her arm out of his grip. She stops walking and turns to face him. "What?" she demands, crossing her arms over her chest.

Reggie seemed lost for words, shaking her head (Y/N) goes to turn until she finally hears him speak. "I just want to talk." Slowly, (Y/N) lets out a breath and lifts a hand, motioning him to continue. "I don't really know how to do this," he tells her.

She raises an eyebrow, "You think?" she questions.

Thinking back over the past month, (Y/N) could recall at least a dozen instances where Reggie had tried to gain her attention that had gone horribly wrong.

When he first began to try and win her over, he approached her at school, his friends behind him, and in front of everyone-publicly declared his intentions. Everyone who knows (Y/N) understands her lack of anticipation to be in the limelight and this stunt he pulled caused a lot of unwanted attention.

Reggie attempted to impress her on the football field-but his actions caused a number of injuries to those from the other team. And while, of course she had school spirit and was happy the Bulldogs won-she hated seeing people get hurt.

That's why when her friend Betty had told her about the playbook she found and that Reggie was in it-she was beyond mad. (Y/N) can't stand it when someone plays with another's feelings-especially when it is extremely clear how wrong the actions are in the first place.

Reggie managed to cross yet another line when (Y/N) found Jughead as a target-yet again-to the football team. While he may not have said anything himself to ridicule her friend, it was the fact that he had just stood there and laughed with the others while Jughead was being humiliated.

Reggie had his moments, (Y/N) knew that. He could be kind and compassionate, honest and affectionate.

He was always sweet to her-had never uttered a bad word to or about her. Whenever they were together, he always ensured she saw warm enough or comfortable enough or had had enough to eat that day.

But it's not enough.

(Y/N) couldn't tolerate his-anyone's-idle standing by when people were being hurt and teased-let alone his occasional involvement. These actions went against a lot of her principles and she wouldn't let herself get involved with someone who so openly had such little respect for other people.

"Look," Reggie sighs, "I really, really like you," he says, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know what to do."

(Y/N)'s expression softens and her arms drop, "Reg," she groans.

"I know you like me too, okay? I just don't understand why you keep pushing me away?"

(Y/N) ignores his comment, "You haven't figured it out by now?" she laughs.

"Would I be chasing after you like a mad man and standing out here in the cold if I had?" he demands.

"We see things differently," she tells him, "and whether I like you or not. I can't accept certain...parts of you." Hurt flashes across his face and (Y/N) felt her chest tighten. "I'm sorry...but I can't change what I think. I've always had strong opinions and I'm sorry."

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