↳ flowers

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by bandstripper


Zach failed the first time.

"Okay fine, I'll give you a chance Zach."

You said that with your eyebrows furrowed and voice laced with exasperation, a careful hand on your hips. Any guy would've felt bad or guilty or ashamed but Zach was waaaay past that. He had been chasing after you since you were both freshmen, marked you the moment his eyes landed on yours. From the amount of time he spent pursuing you he actually got to know you better, better than you would've liked.

He knew you and in that moment he saw the glint in your eyes that meant you were not annoyed and this wasn't just a petty chance, this was a challenge.

He was right.

"Bring me a dozen of my favorite flowers and we'll go on that date."

He had miscalculated; he saw you brushing the petals of some red tulips on the garden of the campus and immediately jumped to conclusions.

"Justin! You gotta walk home, pal." Zach said, walking past Justin who, by his second nature, immediately followed Zach. "I got something I need to go."

"Wha—Hey! Where?"

"A flower shop!" Zach screamed, already jogging up to the 'secret exit' that they use when they need (want) to cut classes. Which was literally just a shitty wire fence that they made a hole in big enough for them to pass through.
Justin's face broke into a smile just as he broke into a run to catch up with Zach.

"You figured it out?!" Zach only smiled in his best friend's direction and Justin shook his head on disbelief. "Then there's no way in hell I'm staying here, man. You wouldn't know the difference between a lily and a rose to save your life"

Zach could only laugh, too hyped to shot back another witty remark, as he and his best friend ran towards the parking lot and drove off to the nearest store to find the perfect red tulips that would be worthy of someone like you.

"Sorry, Zach." Your face was full of humor and despite his disappointment Zach's eyes couldn't help but look down at your lips that you bit to hide your smile. "You can try again."

"Wha—"he went back down to Earth when you started walking away. "You're not kidding?"

"Nope." You popped the 'p' before giving him a smirk. But as you glanced at him you can see the disappointment in his eyes and started to feel bad.

It wasn't that you didn't like Zach because you do, God knows you do, well, Jessica does. Aside from his 'built-like-a-demigod' physique and smile that makes you want to rip off his face with a kiss, he was sweet, charming, smart (if he wants to be), funny, and just so different, (not too shabby in the face department too).

He was different and that's why he makes you wary. You were not used to different. You were used to boy being assholes and you were used to the fear you feel every time any of them shows interest because that means another game to play and you were so sick of it already.

You know Zach was different, but you didn't know how different.

And it scares the living lights out of you.

You stopped walking away, returning back to Zach's direction. He seemed confused but you just broke off a tulip and about an inch of its stem before placing it behind his ears. "The tulips are beautiful." You looked at his eyes as he gave you a smile. "Thank you." You leaned up to your tiptoes and gave his cheeks a peck, catching him off guard and making his face turn as red as the flower in his ear.

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