↳ i want you to stay

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by rosslovesramen

The past week had been more stressful than usual. You and your boyfriend Zach weren't really speaking, for whatever reason. You could tell he was distant and distracted like he had a lot on his mind. But you knew it was more than his usual stress of school and basketball, you could feel it. You still received your good morning and good night texts from him as per usual but that was all. He was barely speaking to you at school and flaked out on walking you to your classes like he always did. Finally you decided to speak up, preparing for the worst you text Zach to come over after practice to talk. Your heart skipped a beat when you got his response. (1 new imessage from zach: be over around 8) You tucked your phone away as you headed out of class, locking eyes with the rest of the crew in the hallway in the process. Something about them had been off too.

You sat on your bed with your legs crossed and gazed out the window while music you put on played softly in the distance. As the raindrops made light tapping sounds on the window you thought about how you weren't ready for Zach to leave. You weren't ready to say goodbye to the boy you'd spent the past year and a half with. The tall goofy boy that completely snatched your heart up. You jumped at the sound of his deep voice. "Hey (y/n)" he said before clearing his throat and breaking you out of your trance. 

The tall and beautiful boy stood in the doorway of your room with his head hanging low. "Jesus Zach you scared me.." you responded with your voice a little shaky. You didn't even hear him come in, you assumed he used the spare key you had tucked under the mat to get in since you were home alone. "We should um– you wanted to talk right?" He asked in a soft tone. Part of you wanted to yell and let out every frustration you'd been feeling. The other part of you wanted to hug him and kiss him tell you how much you'd missed him this week, but he didn't deserve any of that. Your throat got dry and you felt a lump form before you spoke "Yeah, whats been up with you Zach? Did I do something wrong? Are you mad? Did I.." you trailed off once you realized you were spewing a million questions out at him. But your mind was racing with a million things to say and you didn't know where to start. 

He sighed and ran his fingers though his messy hair "Listen (y/n), some stuff happened and I can't really talk about it right now." he said as he moved closer to you and took a spot next to you on the bed. 

You looked at him confused and afraid at what he might say next. "I messed up bad and i'm trying to fix it and get my head right I just need some time." He said with his voice breaking. His eyes were tired and puffy like he'd been up for god knows how long. Whatever it was, it was bad and seeing him like this made your heart break. "We could always tell each other anything Zach i'd never judge you. You know that right?" You said softly as you placed a hand on his cheek. He nodded and placed his hand over yours. 

He looked down once he realized he was starting to cry. "It's just all so fucking messed up!" He sobbed and quickly wiped his eyes. "You did nothing wrong, I didn't do anything to hurt you I didn't cheat I don't wanna break up I just..." he said frantically. Zach looked up at you and pulled you into his lap, bringing you into a tight embrace. "I just did something bad and I need you to give me time so I can figure out how im going to fix this." He said in a reassuring tone. You nuzzled your face into his neck, "Something bad like what Zach? Baby please tell me. I wanna be here but you have to let me." You said with tears in your eyes. In an instant Zach moved you out of his lap and stood up. "I CANT (y/n) YOU JUST WOULDN'T GET IT!" He shouted as he paced the room. 

You jumped at the sound of his voice, he'd never raised his voice at you. You stood up and hugged him from behind. "Why won't you let me in?" You pleaded, leaving wet spots from your tears on his back. He turned and pulled you into his arms once more. "I want to I just..I can't okay? But I want you to stay." He said in a tired tone. You pulled away and shook your head. "I tell you everything about me and you suddenly decide to just shut me out? Fuck that Zach it's not fair to me." You said, your voice growing angrier. You were frustrated at this point, things were going nowhere and the more he shut you out the more it hurt. "You basically ignore me for days and then come over with this shitty excuse?" He stood there shocked at your response, you two never got this angry with each other. 

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