↳ wrapped in cotton wool

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( WRAPPED IN COTTON WOOL )by onemorefanaccount

Holding (B/N) against your chest, you gently sway side to side. "You're okay," you murmur to the crying boy. You start to rub his back gently in an attempt to calm him down. It didn't take long for the crying to stop, "You want to go see dadda?" you ask.

(B/N)'s face lights up in recognition of the word and he starts to wave an arm around, babbling some form of response that makes you chuckle.

"Okay," you say. "We'll go find dadda."

Walking out of your baby's room, you head out to find your partner. It proved to be an easy task, finding him sitting on the couch in the lounge room on his phone.

Spotting you as you enter the room, his smile grows when he takes in the sight. "Hey," he greets, dropping his phone to the side as he holds an arm out for you to join him.

Cuddling into his side, you hold (B/N) closer to your chest. Ross wraps an arm around your shoulder and shifts slightly so he was facing you.

"Is he okay?" Ross questions, gently kissing (B/N)'s forehead.

You nod, "I think he's just tired, but he seemed a little reluctant to sleep alone."

"Reminds me of someone," Ross jokes.

You roll your eyes, further pressing yourself against his side. "Did you want to hold him?" you offer.

Ross smiles but shakes his head, "He's already starting to fall asleep," he reasons.

You couldn't take your eyes off your baby, "He's so beautiful," you whisper, "can you believe we made something so...incredible?"

His fingers start to stroke your bare arm, "I can," he confirms. "(B/N)'s half of you, so it's impossible for him to be anything but."

The corners of your lips tugging upwards in a shy smile as you rest your head on his shoulder. "You're too much," you murmur, closing your eyes.

Ross' hand comes to a halt, "Are you tired?" he asks gently, moving the hair from your face. You nod in confirmation. "We can reschedule with them," he insists, referring to your friends who were on the way over to your home to meet the newest addition of your family. "They'll understand."

"That's not necessary," you reply. "I'll be fine. If I sleep now, I'll be up all night later and I don't think that's wise," you chuckle.


"Ross," you cut him off, "I promise I'm okay."

He kisses the top of your head, "If you're sure."

Muffling a laugh, you nod, "I'm sure. What time are they coming again?" you question, already forgetting despite confirming with Dylan this morning.

"I told them to be here around one, so," he says, glancing at his watch, "anytime now."

"I'll go put (B/N) in the cot," you yawn, "they'll just have to meet him when he wakes up, he needs some sleep."

"You need some sleep," he mutters.

Raising an eyebrow, you look up up him, lifting your head off his shoulder, "What was that?"

"Doesn't matter. I'll go wait by the door and make sure no one rings the bell."

"We really need to get that disconnected," you say, slowly rising to your feet, careful not to disturb your sleeping baby.

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