↳ i promise

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by zachdftdempsey

The school day had just ended, as you rushed out of the school hallway in tears.

It was your one year anniversary with your boyfriend, Zach Dempsey, and it seems that he had completely forgotten about it due to his lack of acknowledgement towards the occasion. You wanted to think you were just overreacting, but Zach was your very first boyfriend, and you were probably his billionth girlfriend, and you couldn't help but feel heartbroken at the idea of him forgetting about a day that was so special for the both of you.

You sped towards your car to head home. That was until your best friend, Jess, stopped you.

"Where the hell do you think you're going driving home in that kind of state?" She asked, blocking the car door with her body.

"Jess, I'm not in the mood right now. Go away," you replied, trying to keep your poise.

Next thing you knew, you were sitting in the passenger's seat of your car, crying to a Sam Smith song, while Jess drove you to her house.

"I mean, how could he possibly forget our anniversary? I thought I was a good girlfriend. Maybe I am a good girlfriend. He's just not a good boyfriend! Otherwise, I wouldn't be sitting here, with you, no offense I love you, but I'd rather be cuddling with Zach, celebrating our anniversary than crying to some stupid love songs... I mean, I could be, if only he'd ANSWER MY DAMN TEXTS!" you rambled, slightly hyperventilating and pounding the dashboard. "Not even a text. One text would've sufficed!"

"Okay, I know you're upset, but can you chill, Y/N? Seriously," Jess sighed. "You're kind of overreacting. Don't let this one little mistake pull you down. Your relationship isn't over. You'll fix this. But for the time being, I'm going to take you out on a little girl's night out. Get'cho mind off of all this. Sound good?"

4 hours later, you were admiring yourself in front of a mirror, wearing one of Jess's sexy red dresses, black stilettos, with your hair and makeup all done.

Jess came out of her bathroom wearing a plain black dress, and ballet flats. "Wow, Y/N, you look gorgeous! I did good," she said, flipping her hair, praising herself for the amazing makeover she gave you.

"Thanks Jess, you look," you inspected her up and down before finishing, "No offense, but underdressed. What the hell?"

Jess nervously laughed it off, and said, "Well, this night is for you, not for me. Anyway, we're going to be late to our reservation, so we gotta motor."

"Oh, okay," you said, picking up your purse. "Where are we going?"

"Um.. this super fancy restaurant. But it's a surprise," she smirked.

Jess forced you to keep your eyes shut for the entire car ride, partly because she "wanted her surprise to be perfect," but also because every single time you opened your eyes, she honked the car, which annoyed you and probably every other driver on the road.

You felt the car come to a stop, and so you asked, "May I open my eyes now?"

"Yes, you may," Jess responded, getting out of the car and meeting you on the passenger side.

You opened your eyes, to see you were in front of Monet's. Your jaw dropped in shock, as you got out of the car and slammed the door behind you. "MONET'S? Really? Thank you for the kind gesture, Jess, but when you said we were going to a 'fancy restaurant,' Monet's wasn't exactly what I had in mind," you said, crossing your arms. "Also, for your information, it's closed."

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