↳ cream soda night

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by courageouslystupid

It was the first day of spring in Riverdale, the sun was shining and the sky blue. You had just pulled open the gate of Riverdale's only floral shop, Riverdale Flowers, and started setting up the vases of beautiful flowers that were ready to be sold. Riverdale Flowers had been in your family ever since Riverdale was first founded and it had been passed down to be inherited over and over again by the Y/L/N's.

You started working at the shop when you turned 12 because you parents want yoy to learn the trade of flower arrangement as soon as possible.Unfortunately, that meant you spent most of your time going to school and working in the shop as much as possible and like any other Saturday you were stuck working.

It had been a couple of very slow hours since you opened and you were getting pretty bored flipping through the spring flower catalog, until you heard the familiar ding of the bell signaling that a customer was entering the shop.

Putting on a friendly smile you looked up from the catalog and saw a group of teenage boys in front of you. You recognized them from your high school's football team as they were all wearing their Letterman jackets. They loitered around the store for a couple minutes checking out some of the products while you went back to browsing the catalog,waiting.

"Dude, why did we come in here?" Asked Chuck Clayton, captain of the football team.

"Because Cheryl paid us to get flowers for her party tonight." Reggie Mantle explained, glancing to you with his infamous smirk.

"Hey, could we get two dozen red roses under Cheryl Blossom's account?" Reggie asked you.

" Uh yeah, it will take about 10 minutes for me to get them ready." You said a bit nervous with all the their eyes on you.

You turned around to get the roses from the fridge behind the counter and as you were counting you heard the hormonal jocks whispering behind you.

"Dude that ass is banging." " I'd totally fuck that up." "You see that rack, must be at least a D cup."

The comments made you blush a beet red as you became uncomfortable and embarrassed with each inappropriate comment about your body.

With little courage you slowly turned around and faced the boy in front of you, Reggie, he was waiting impatiently with a annoyed expression. His eyebrows were scrunched together and his lips in a small sneer. Not wanting to make them wait, you handed over the flowers and bid them farewell, with the wink from Chuck Clayton not going unnoticed...

After the uncomfortable encounter with part of the football team, the day went by slowly.

You had started packing up flowers and putting things away as you heard someone come in the shop. It was Cheryl Blossom coming in to pay for the roses the boys picked up.

"Thank you dear Y/N, do come by later tonight for the party. You'll be able to admire the flower garden at Thornhill." Cheryl announced on her way out of the shop. She turned slightly and gave a small wave goodbye.

You contemplated the invitation as you continued to close the shop up. Deciding that it would be best to go, instead of getting on Cheryl Blossom's bad side.

After getting ready at home you had your mom drive you up to Cheryl's house. It was better than having to find a parking spot with all the cars that were lining each side of the street. You said goodbye to your mom and hopped out of the vehicle, bee-lining it to the front entrance and avoiding the cars looking for a parking spot.

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