↳ we could happen

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by bandstripper

"Good morning, sunshine."

You rolled your eyes, internally groaning, when you heard the all too familiar voice from behind your locker door. You quickly took your Pre-Calculus book as quickly as possible and slammed your door shut. As expected, the cocky football captain was already leaning his shoulders on the locker beside, seemingly not minding the fact that the owner of said locker has been trying to get past him for the last thirty seconds.

"Hello, Reggie," he also didn't seem to mind your lack of enthusiasm. ",here for your daily schedule of annoying the ever loving fuck out of me?"

"You wound me, darling," he leaned back and dramatically fisted his white shirt in mock offense. Although, his award winning smile managed to stay on his face, showing you how misleading it was.

You rolled your eyes once more, hoping to God it will not get stuck at the back of your head from the amount of times you seem to roll your eyes at him. You turned your back at Reggie and started walking away, not wanting to get dragged at his silly games so early in the morning.

"Sunshi – Sunshine, wait!" You huffed, trying to will yourself not to listen which was proven fruitless considering the difference in your leg span.

"(Y/N)." You were given no choice when Reggie forcibly stopped you in your tracks with two hands gripping your shoulders tightly. "I –"

"I don't want to be late, Reggie –"

"Just listen to me!" your eyes widened at the tone of his voice, looking around, and thanking God, when you saw that most of the students have already went inside their respective classes.

You are so late.

It didn't matter anyway, not when Reggie was hastily dragging you away from the main campus but towards the football field.

"Reggie, stop!" You harshly pulled your hands back, wincing from the sudden sharp pain, making him effectively look back to you. When he noticed how you held your hands and the pain in your face he was quick to take your damaged wrist and checked it for any serious injury.

He sighed in relief. "Sorry."

He seemed so sad when he started to put a bit of a distance between you two that you actually felt bad. "It's okay I just – I had Calculus and I ... I didn't want to miss it since I'm shit at –"

"Why don't you like me?"

You felt your heart tighten. When you looked up at him he was already sitting on the ground, looking at everything and nothing altogether, staring at his hands that were tightly wounded together in front of him.

He looked so beautiful with the 8 o'clock sunshine that you bit the inside of your cheeks to stop yourself from confessing right then and there. You wanted to tell him, how wrong he was, how much you liked him, and how you fear the day he will finally get tired of you and stop pursuing you because, believe it or not, you had a heart too. And Reggie Mantle took it in his own annoyingly persistent manner.

"Why do you?"

Your insecurity that had built up over the past few months finally broke away.

That seemed to catch him off guard as his neck nearly snapped from looking at you too quickly. "What?"

You sat beside him hugging your knees close to your chest. It was now or never. "Am I a joke to you, Reggie?"

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