↳ same to you

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by 13rw--imagines

I know you can't sleep, it's half three, and you're still up
Get on the group text about your ex
'Cause I messed it up
Heard you moved on, well that's a lie

You sigh, looking out the window to see the light polluted stars fill the sky. You turn on your side to try to keep from getting captivated by that night. The night Zach Dempsey claimed you as his by just a look. You hated thinking about him like this, you hated seeing your friend and missing their touch. You shake your head, trying to clear your head. How dare he make you think like this, the way he taunts you without being next to you, leaving you a mess in every way. You get on your phone, pulling open the messages as you try to think back to your ex. The boy who was supposed to melt your heart in every way, but couldn't because of your mistake. 'I miss him.' You send in the text. 'He loved me and I lost him' you send after. 'Sorry, who are we talking about? Justin or Zach?' One of your friends send, regret filling your mind as you read the names next to each other. 'Justin. It was always Justin' you send. 'Until you moved on' one pointed out. 'Did I?' you send, a sigh leaving your lips as you turn off your phone.

It's half past three and you can't sleep with the thoughts of him dancing in your mind. The way his hand felt in yours, the way he gently ran his thumb over your knuckles like everything would be okay. His hold, the way his hugs were tight to make you feel less alone. His lips on yours, how eager but gentle it all felt. He played with your heart in all the senses and you couldn't let go of that boy. You finally fall asleep, images of him playing through your head like they were a movie playing on a screen. Vivid and alive.

Leaving you wishing you had him that night.

Make you feel free
Open your eyes and you will see
All of the awkward situations
Holding his hand you wish was mine


You couldn't help the smile that formed on your lips as you saw him. "Hey Dempsey" you say, gently bumping into him to catch his attention. "Hey (Y/L/N)" he smiled at you. You bite your lip gently as you look at him. "You know I hate when you do that" you say. "Do what?" he smiles. "Use my last name to say hello, like Dempsey works, but my last name? Not as much" you say. He chuckles and shakes his head. "You're crazy" he chuckles. "You'll always be (Y/L/N) to me." he teases with a smile. You roll your eyes playfully. "Wow, I'm swooning" you tease.

He chuckles and you can't help but smile at it. He always hid the way he laughed, looking down and acting shy about it. You would lie if you said you didn't love it. You were about to say something when you felt a hand hold yours, startling you a bit as you look over to see the boy who should have filled your head. "Hey babe" Justin smiles, kissing your cheek. "Oh, hey babe" you smile back. He smiles and you watch as Zach bites his lip, looking at the two of you. "Dempsey" Justin said quietly, looking at him. "Justin" he says back, forcing a smile. "Well, I was actually just about to go, but I'll see you around" he says, looking at you.

You bite your lip as you nod and watch him go. He walks past you, accidently brushing your hand as he does. You felt some chills run down you as it did, and in that moment you imagine Justin's hand was his. Justin had a firm hold on you, it was soft and didn't leave you missing his touch every time he left. Zach however, he sent butterflies in your stomach with one look, and a simple touch just made it all explode in you.

You look at Justin, and watch as he smiles at you. The familiar look of love in his eyes, the look he always wished he got from you. You smile gently and kiss him gently, trying to let that be enough for that moment. It was never enough.

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